I'll Keep You Like a Secret

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I stayed with Andy for most of that week, only going home a couple of times. It was nice, having someone actively asking me how my day was and me being able to actually talk about it, not having to worry about weak stomachs. I know this wasn't conventional but I couldn't stop. There was something so addicting about Andy.

He had worked his way into the very center of my being. He was my first thought when I woke up each morning and the last thing I prayed for when I went to bed at night. I don't think it had ever been like this with Jimmy and the fact that I felt this way after only a month scared me.

It was Monday evening and I was finishing up some paperwork the DA had asked for. Laurie was back from her trip so I knew I wouldn't be seeing Andy tonight. I decided to run this over to the courthouse before picking up a pizza and heading home.

There was only one light on in the whole office when I stepped off the elevator. I left the file on the receptionist's desk. Walking down the hall I saw it was Andy's office. I hesitated for a moment before deciding to knock. A muffled "come in" informed me he was alone so I went in. He smiled when he saw it was me. "What are you doing here so late?" He asked, coming around his desk and kissing me.

"I could ask you the same question." He raised an eyebrow at me and I felt myself go weak at the knees.  "Withers wanted an update so I was dropping t off before going home. Your turn."

"I've been avoiding going home. She came home from DC in a mood. It's only been twenty-four hours and I already miss her being gone."

"I'm sorry Andy." I looked around his office, taking in all the pictures of Jacob during various phases of his childhood. I chuckled at the obvious lack of Laurie.

"What's so funny?"

"Did you know I took a course in profiling?"

"I did not."

"Yeah, the FBI was hosting a course for local PDs and I convinced my captain to send me."

"And I'm assuming you're profiling me?"

"I'm sorry. It's not something I can turn off now."

"No it's ok. I'm intrigued. Profile me."

"You take your work seriously. Your office is very orderly. It's likely because of your lack of control over other things in your life. You love your son more than anything, he takes up the most amount of space in your office and no matter which way you turn your chair, there's a picture of him in your eyesight. This is also because you still feel incredibly guilty for the events that took place over the last year. Your lack of Laurie in here tells me that you're actively trying to separate yourself from her. You don't trust her, and trust is big for you, given your past. As far as you're concerned, your marriage is done and that's evident in the lack of a tan line on your ring finger. You still wear your wedding band, appearance is important. But you spent most of the summer with it off your finger, thus you tanned over it. How'd I do?"

"I'll admit, I'm impressed. But I also told you some of that."

"True but people can lie. Their behavior isn't likely to."

"How do you mean?"

"Behaviors are second nature for the most part. You have to think harder to act outside your normal ways than to act the way you have for years. When something shifts, most of the time you don't even notice it. But others can and do. That's where you can find triggers. It's not an exact science and most of the time it's inadmissible in court but evidence tends to back it up if it's correct."

"So that's how you knew, beyond similarities in victim types and crime scenes, that it was your father and not a copy cat."

"Exactly." He pulled me to him and drew me in for a kiss. He moved his mouth against mine and I was in heaven. He brought a hand up and squeezed my breast. I gasped and he used that moment to thrust his tongue into my mouth. Pulling me with him, he reached for the door and locked it, not breaking our kiss before he walked me to his desk and laid me down on it. He ripped my jeans and panties from me in one rough pull before taking a finger and teasing my slit.

I moaned and bucked into his hand. He chuckled and unbuckled his pants and removed himself from his underwear, slamming into me. For the past week we had been able to go nice and slow, taking time to learn each other's bodies in the most intimate ways possible. This was nothing like this. This was rough, fast and hard. And I loved it. I loved the soft moments when Andy worshipped me like a goddess but there was something sexy about his dominant side that came out more often then not. And I was putty in his hands, willing to do just about anything to please him. And I realized something that would have brought me to my knees had I been standing.

I was in trouble. I loved this man. I loved how he made me feel like I was the center of his universe when I was with him but how it was clear that his son was his greatest love. I loved the different sides of him that only I was privy to right now. I was in deep.


So this was mostly a filler chapter but with some character development. The shits gonna hit the fan here soon but there will be at least one more sweet moment for Andy and Kat before it does.

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