The Confrontation Pt. 2

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*Kat's POV*

I was sitting at home, waiting for Jimmy to get there. We might not be together anymore but he's honestly my best friend and I needed my best friend after the day I had. My father's warning was weighing heavily on my mind. I trusted Andy to keep Laurie safe but it was my job to keep Jimmy protected. I was in the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of wine, when the doorbell rang. I frowned, wondering it could be. Charlie was upstairs, upset but this time not at me. Jacob hadn't been allowed to come over and he was moping. And Andy had texted me before leaving work that he would be spending the night at home.

I opened the door and was shocked to see Laurie. "Laurie, hi. What can I do for you?" I asked, letting her into the house. I led her into the kitchen where she threw pictures onto the island. I picked one up and my mouth dropped open. There, displayed for any who looked at this picture to see, was Andy and I in front of the diner the day we came back from Virginia Beach, kissing goodbye. Well shit!

"How long has this been going on?" she demanded.

"I think you should talk to Andy."

"I already did. I want to hear it from you. How long?"

"Since the end of August."

"You just couldn't keep your hands to yourself. You had to go after a married man."

"Not that I'm defending my behavior but I was also in a committed relationship. I had just as much to lose as he did. And for the record, if your relationship was well enough that an affair would incite this reaction, I suspect he wouldn't have needed to stray."

"You don't know a thing about my marriage." She spat.

"Oh I don't? I know you don't sleep in the same room together. I know that you haven't gotten a job and aren't contributing financially and yet he still insisted you keep the master bedroom. I know that this past year has torn him to shreds and you almost took the one thing he loves most away from him and that it's his love for his son that keeps him attached to you. I also know just how deeply your reaction and continued nagging about his father hurt him, even if he never even looked like it did. And most of all, I know how hard it was for him to sit there in that court room, during the grand jury trial that should have put you away for attemptive murder, and lied under oath to keep his wife, the mother of his only child, out of prison. But tell me again how I don't know a thing about your marriage." I finished my tirade and we were both breathing heavy. She got up and I thought she was going to leave but she crossed the room and slapped me across the face.

I wasn't even aware of it until I felt the sting. She was standing there over me when the side door opened and Jimmy walked in. Seeing us in our current state, her looking murderous and me clutching my cheek that was quickly turning bright red, he said calmly, "I think it's time for you to leave," to Laurie. With one last hateful look to me, she grabbed the picture, shoved it in Jimmy's hand and left out the front door.

"Jimmy please don't look..." but it was too late. He had flipped it over and was staring at it wide eyed.

"Is this the reason you wanted to call off the engagement?" he asked, sitting down on one of the recliners.

"Not the main reason. The reasons I gave you were true too. We'd been stagnant for too long. When Andy gave me attention that I had been craving, I ran with it. And in my foolish endeavor to feel wanted, I fell in love with him, and him with me. Believe me when I say I never wanted to hurt you like this. You've been my best friend far longer than we've been romantically involved. You know me."

"I thought I did." He said. "I think it's best if I stay away for a few days. Give both of us a chance to simmer down."

"Ok. I really am sorry Jimmy. I never wanted to hurt you like this."

"I know Katherine." And honestly, I think that hurt worse of all. No matter what we fought about before, I was never Katherine. It was Kat or Katy or whatever cutesy nickname he was trying out that week. I knew my love for Jimmy had changed but that didn't make this outcome hurt any less, even if I did bring it on myself.

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