Where Do We Go From Here?

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I get to the crime scene and head over for a briefing on the initial findings. "Upon the initial exam we found that she's been stabbed more than any other victim. It's definitely Hemlock. He left an '11' on her right ankle."

"Did she suffer?" I asked, unable to look away.

"It looks like one of the initial cuts nicked a major artery, she wouldn't have been alive much longer after that."

"Has anyone called Andy?"

"He was my next call right after you."

"Does he know it's Laurie?"

"No. I thought it'd be best to do it in person."

"That's probably for the best. Let's get her situated before he gets here. He doesn't need to see her like this and she deserves her dignity."

"Kat?" The M.E. asks, this wasn't protocol but these were different circumstances.

"Have the techs taken pictures and gathered the evidence surrounding the body?"

"Yes but..."

"No buts. Her husband, the ADA, is going to be here soon and he shouldn't have to see her like this." They quickly got to work, transferring her into a body bag on the gurney. Andy pulled up and I walked up to him, preparing to warn him before he saw the body.

"How bad is it?" He asks.

"Andy... The latest victim... It's Laurie." He doesn't say anything as he approaches the gurney and sees the state of his wife, the state that my father put her in. "I'm so sorry Andy. This is all my fault. I should've taken him seriously. I never should've... I should've stayed away from you..." I stop myself from rambling. Nothing was going to make this better.

We're interrupted by our phones going off. It's Withers calling us in for a meeting. This was going to be good.

We had barely sat down in his office before he started in on us. "I'm removing you both from this case. Detective Hemlock should've been removed as soon as we found out it was her father. Now three more women are dead, including the wife of an ADA. Andy, you're now a victim and as such can't be kept on. Go home, both of you." He said, dismissing us with a wave of his hand.

We head over to the parking garage and get into the elevator. We're almost at our floor when I turn to Andy. "I want to tell you this and then I'll leave you alone. You and Jacob deserve to mourn. I know you were going to leave her but this is different. Our... whatever this is... it's over. I can't be with you after what I brought upon your family, what my father did because of me. I am so sorry Andy. This is my final promise to you, he's going to pay for what he's done." With that said, and the elevator arriving in the level that my car is parked, I step out and walk away from him, willing myself to keep the tears at bay until I'm in the safety of my car.


I'm not even sure how I got home but Charlie is there when I do. "How was the sleep over?" I ask, sitting down next to him on the couch.

"It was ok, I guess. Andy showed up super early to pick up Jacob and I caught a ride back with him."

"Where's Jacob now?"

"He's at home. His dad dropped him off before heading into work."

"Ok. I need to tell you something, a couple things actually, and I need you to promise not to get angry. I'm trying this whole honesty thing with you."

"Ok..." I can tell he's concerned.

"First things first I guess, Jimmy and I have separated and he'll be moving out soon. It's been a long time coming and neither one of us really wanted to admit it. Secondly, and this is where I need you to start having a level head, I've been having an affair with Andy..."

"Andy? As in Barber? As in my best friend's married dad?"

"Yes..." I say quietly.

"How could you be so stupid?"

"Wow, ok. Thanks for that. I'm not saying that it was smart but kindly keep yourself from judging. There was more to the decision than just that he looks good. But this is where the third thing came in. Dad found out about the affair and threatened to do something if I didn't end it. I was foolish. I thought there was no way he could do anything. There hadn't been a killing in weeks since we upped patrols and instated that curfew."

"You just said there hadn't been a killing, like past tense. Who died Kat?"

"They found Laurie Barber's body this morning. She had been like that for three hours the medical examiner estimated."

"So let me get this straight. You couldn't keep it in your pants and had sex with a married man. And then, because of you, our dad killed the wife? Wow Kat! I really didn't think you could fuck up anymore than you had with me but you went above and beyond, exceeding all expectations I had. Good job! You got my best friend's mom killed."

I knew he wasn't going to be happy but I didn't expect him to react like this. I was crying by this point and only heard him as he walked out the front door. I was completely alone again. But this time I had only myself to blame.

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