I'm Warning You

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If anyone drove by right now, they'd know exactly what was going on in this car. There weren't a lot of abandoned parking lots in this town and most of them were used by teenagers doing exactly what we were. The sun wasn't even up yet, and wouldn't be for at least an hour but that didn't do much to put me at ease. But the thrill of potentially getting caught was what had me agreeing to Andy's early morning suggestion after I complained about how I wasn't sleeping due to stress.

Which is how I came to be on top of him in the backseat of his car, riding him as our breathing and the heat from our joined bodies caused the windows to fog up. I slammed down on his cock, eliciting the most delicious moan from his lips. "If this is how you plan on distracting me from stressful situations, I might have to sabotage some things to create more." He looked at me, shock written across his face. "Not serial murders obviously." I picked up the pace, lifting myself off of him almost completely before slamming back down again. Soon we were both moaning, shuddering messes on the brink of release. Andy brought his hand in between us and tweaked my clit and I came undone around him, seeing stars. I brought my lips to his neck, sucking on the pulse point there just the way I knew he liked and he followed me over the edge, into the abyss.

We were laying together, wrapped in our own cocoon of postcoital bliss. This moment was perfect. So of course it had to come crashing down around us. My phone started ringing in the cup holder in the front. I leaned over and grabbed it, seeing it was coming up as unlisted. I cautiously answered, "Hemlock."

"I thought I warned you to stay away from him unless you wanted his wife and your fiancé to find out." It was Charles...

"You're not really in a position to lecture me about unflattering behavior when you've murdered ten women, my mother being one of them."

"I tried to give you an opportunity to do the right thing. What happens after this is on you."

"No. It's on you. You're an adult, completely capable of knowing right from wrong. What happens from here on out is still your fault."

"Don't say I didn't warn you." He leaves me with as he hangs up. I looked at Andy. What the absolute fuck was that? We struggled to get redressed and he dropped me off at the store where I left my car, kissing me goodbye before heading to the gym for his morning swim.

I left and headed to the station, playing over the conversation with my father. I know Andy didn't seem too concerned with his threat but I knew exactly what Charles Hemlock was capable of. I knew there would be consequences for defying him. I just hoped that it wasn't anything earth shattering when it happened.

Again, another short chapter but I figured that these two events needed their own space.

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