Chapter 2

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“Sanai!!!! You missed the party of the summer last night! It was super turnt up from the second we stepped in until the second the cops came and shut it all down.” My roommate, Kai, explained in a lively manner.  

Her excitement was to be expected, Skylar always threw the best parties.  

“You gave me the same speech last night, Kai.” I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.  

“Well you shoulda came! I don't know why you didn't come. Why did you stay home anyway?” She asked.  

“Parties are not my thing.” I lied through my teeth.  

I actually loved to party and I loved to dance. The atmosphere puts me on a high like nothing else can. I didn't go to Skylar’s party because I didn't feel like I would fit in.  I don't smoke weed, get drunk, or dance the way these girls dance these days. Parties turn into orgies as soon as the right song comes on. I just don't feel comfortable.  

"Well you need to make it your thing. You gon' grow old and have zero memories because parties aren't your thing." she said, obviously making a low blow. 

"Whatever." I mumbled., tossing the covers off of my body.  

"Oh so you mad now?" she asked, sitting up in her bed.  

"No, Im just -" 

"Uggghhhhhhh!!!!! I hate him! That bastard had the audacity to call me hoe! Can you believe that?!"  We heard our other roommate Tanisha shriek from the living room. Kai and I exchanged knowing glances before making our way to the living room where she was. 

We walked in to see Tanisha being consoled by our fourth roommate, Deidre, and looking a complete mess. We live in a four person dorm so Kai and I shared one room and Tanisha and Deidre shared the other.Tanisha's mascara still stained her face and her hair was all over everywhere.  

"What happened?" I asked, thoroughly confused.  

"Poppa happened." Deidre answered.  

"What you mean?" Kai asked, seeking further clarification.  

"Poppa and I left the party and went back to his place. We did the do and then he put me out." Tanisha explained the best she could before breaking down once again.  

"He called Uber and offered her a Planned Parenthood brochure." Deidre explained.  

It took everything within me not to laugh, while Kai let it all out. I tapped her thigh in an effort to keep her quiet but I failed. I looked over at Tanisha who looked even more pitiful than before and mouthed "I'm sorry" before ushering Kai's crazy self into our room.  

"That was so rude!" I scolded her once our door was completely shut. 

"Poppa is a cold nigga!" she said as she finished up her laughter.  I straight-faced her.  

"I know you're not expecting me to feel sorry for her. I don't feel sorry for her because she was acting like a hoe. I know she wasn't expecting Poppa to want to be with her when she gave it up so easy. That would be the stupidest thing ever! She can't get mad at him for keeping it real." she ran down to me.  

"You're right." I said, after letting my mind marinate on what she had just said.  

"I always am. Now shut up because I'm going back to sleep." she said.  

"You are so rude!" I giggled before throwing a pillow at her.  

"But you love me though." she said.  

"You already know. I'm finna get ready and go to the bookstore to pick up my textbooks for the semester because them lines gon' be crazy tomorrow. I'll try to be quiet while I'm getting dressed." I informed her.  

"Ooohhh can you bring me back something to eat? Pretty please!" she begged.  

"Yeah. I'll call you once I'm headed back this way." I told her as I grabbed my toiletries and headed for the bathroom.  

I sighed as I perused the shelves of the bookstore which were arranged by subject and then by class and section. I searched until I found the little card that read English 325-01 Poetry, Dr. Lee.  

"Bingo." I said to myself as I grabbed one of the assigned textbooks from the neat stack.  

I flipped through the book as I made my way to the cash register. Because I wasn't paying attention, I bumped hard into a random person causing both of us to drop what we were carrying.  

"Oops, my bad!." I apologized, scrambling to pick up what was dropped.  

"Don't trip, girl. It was just an accident." the guy chuckled, grabbing my hand to stop me.  I looked up to see none other than Skylar.  

"You're in Dr. Lee's poetry class this semester?" he asked me as he handed me my book.  

"Yeah, I am. Are you taking that class as well?" I asked him. 

"Yeah." he replied.  

"Well I'll see you tomorrow." I offered with a smile before heading to the register. I opted against looking back for fear of looking desperate. 

I paid for my books and headed out the door. I saw Skylar as I walked to the parking lot toward my car.  

"Hey! Wait up!" he called out, jogging towards me.  

I paused once I got to my car and waited for him to catch up.  

"We didn't introduce ourselves. I'm Skylar but everybody calls me Poppa." he said, extending his hand for a handshake.  

"I know who you are." I said with a smirk, shaking his hand.  

"Oh really?" he asked,  arching his eyebrow.  

I nodded my head before getting into my car and closing the door. He knocked on the window, motioning for me to roll the window down.  

"Are you gon' introduce yourself?" he asked.  

"I'm Sanai." I said.  

"Nice to meet you. It’s a bad thing that I don't know who you are." he said.  

"Naw baby boy it’s definitely a good thing. I'll see you in class tomorrow." I said before backing up and pulling off. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw that he was still standing in the parking lot shaking his head.  


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