Chapter 13

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A/N I want to know the ending just as bad as ya'll do. There's a hint about the next book in this series in this chapter.



Hey! Do you wanna grab lunch?

What's up?

Just checking in with you. I miss you.

Call me when you can. I just wanna talk.

Hopefully you'll answer me one day.

I looked over the many text messages that I received from Sanai over the past couple of weeks and all I could do was shake my head. Every time I would see a text I felt my heart rip little by little. I could've blocked her number but seeing that she still wanted me after weeks of not talking did something for my ego.

I was too happy when the end of the semester came and that poetry class was over. After I ended things with Sanai it was hard to go to class and occupy the same space with her. I started skipping class and everything. Luckily Dr. Lee wasn't big on attendance so, I was able to pass the class without really going.

Not having Sanai in my life has really messed up my game though. The first game of the season is a week away so there's really no room for error. My whole life is riding on this season. Whenever I slip up in practice my coach is my head. But with all the mess-ups I've been having I know that he's put a call in to my dad. I'm expecting his call any minute now.

My vibrating phone pulled me out of my thoughts. Sure enough it was my dad calling.

"Hello." I answered reluctantly.

"Are your bags packed?" He asked me.

"No, why would they be?" I asked him, definitely confused.

"Because you're ready to come home. I suggest you start packing."

"Dad what are you talking about?" I asked.

"You out there messing up like you ready to bring your ass back to LA. Those weak ass jumpshots and passes are cry for help. So I'm finna help you. Pack up your shit and cause I'm flying your ass back home."

"Wait! Dad! The season is about to start. I can't come home. My chances at getting drafted is riding on this season!"

"Aint nobody gon' draft a nigga with a jumpshot as weak as yours." He spat.

"My nigga, my jumpshot aint never weak!"I defended myself. Nobody ever disrespects my game and I'm not gon let it start now.

"Who the hell you think you talking to?" He asked. I remained silent, knowing that I messed up.

"Imma let that one go but, what you need to do is take all that aggression that you just put out and put it in your game. I don't know what little girl got yo game all jacked up but whoever it is, you need to let her go. Let her go at least until the season is over. You don't have time to be messing up! Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes sir."

"You better understand. Let that coach call or send another goddamned video showing me you playing weak ass ball and I'm flying out there and packing yo shit up myself! Yo ass will be right back here in LA. I pay too much money for you to be out there acting an ass on that court! Think about your future and leave the broads alone. Don't make me fuck you up Skylar." he said before hanging up in my face.

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