Chapter 10

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I sat in the middle of the gym floor impatiently waiting for Skylar. After two weeks without any type of contact outside of class, it was clear that he knew I wasn't playing games with him. My feelings are on the line.

"Where is he?" I huffed to myself.

Just as I said that, the lights in the gym dimmed. I heard music begin to play and a familiar voice begin to speak.

"This is for the girl in the middle of the gym.

Disrespected and rejected...

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Pick ya head up love, smile

This is for you...

I couldn't help but smile as I watched a well-dressed Skylar walk toward the center of the gym and hand me a single red rose bud. I frowned in confusion of the choice as he continued to sing to me.

Girl I know sometimes that I mistreat you, and you still come back

And I see your homegirls try to reach you, but you ain't hearing none of that

They try to get through, they say I ain't the move

I don't know, cause girl it might be true

When they tell you, you should walk away but you stay anyway

Girl I think it's best for me to say this, I ain't no good

And your heart ain't something I should play with

So let's get it understood

I ain't trying to ruin your life

If anything I just want to make it right

And tell the judge I ain't even gotta plead my case

I can tell my baby to her face

I was just your nigga next door

But girl I see more for you, I see more for you

And you ain't gotta have no fear, no I'll always be here for you, girl I'm here for you

And I know you may not end up with me, it ain't gotta be me

Cause I'm still playing outchea in these streets

But I'm just saying

You deserve better, I'm saying, you deserve better

My eyes were misty by the time he finished. He walked over to me and held his arms open. I immediately ran into his arms. We hugged for what seemed like forever before we both pulled away.

"You crying cuz of me or because you was envisioning that nigga August?" He asked me with an arched eyebrow. I giggled in response.

"On the real though," he started as he sat on the gym floor and pulled me into his lap, "I'm sorry for being a jerk. I never spend time with you and that's not okay. It's a reason why I do that though. " he admitted.

"What reason is that?" I asked him.

"You're precious to me Sanai. You a virgin, you ain't never kissed nobody, and the list goes on. that nigga. I'm that dude that parents keep their daughters away from. I'm that dude I'd beat up if my sisters brought home. I'm a sleaze ball. We like oil and water baby....we don't mix." He started.

"But Skylar you said we should give it try." I countered.

"I know and I stand by that suggestion but, you could never take me home to your parents. And I don't want to turn you out. " he said.

"But let me ma-"

"No Sanai. I don't want to be your best mistake or favorite regret." He stated clearly.

I moved out of his arms and turned to face him. I didn't know what to say.

"You're worth more than that. That's why I gave you that rose in particular. A red rosebud symbolizes purity...for the obvious reasons. Now it's your choice to walk away or stand by me but just know that if you choose to stay, I have a hell of a lot to work on and it ain't gon happen overnight." He said.

I stared off in the distance as I listened to him. I was in complete contemplation.

Thoughts about what Poppa said. A guy really said that to me. It made me think hard!
P.S. Don't judge me because I'm 21 and never been kissed. 🙈

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