Epilogue Part 1

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6 Months Later


"Sanai you and Skylar are killing me! If I keep running back and forth between the both of yall, the wedding is never gonna start." Reagan stressed.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, wiping my tears. I'm the glad the make-up artist hadn't arrived yet.

"It's ok, hun. I know you're both happy but please hold on until this wedding is over." She said, cupping my face with her hand and offering a caring smile.

I really didn't want to stress her out because she's in her third trimester but she insisted. She wasn't gon be on the sideline for Skylar's wedding for nobody.

"Ugghhhh!!!!" She growled as she looked at her phone that was ringing once again.

"Here Sanai! Talk to your man." She instructed basically throwing the phone at me and waddling over to the balcony of the suite.

"Hello." I answered, tryna hide my sniffles.

"Sanai?" He asked, unsure of if he heard right.

"Yes, baby."

"I need you right now ma. I think I'm finna have a panic attack!" He said alarmingly.

"Baby, go in the bathroom and lock the door." I instructed him The background noise in his suite was way too loud.

"I'm in here."

"Why are you panicking, love?"

"I...I don...I do.." He said in between heaves.

"Baby, calm down. Calm down sweetie."

"I can't, ma." He broke down.

That's all I needed to hear. I pulled on some shoes and made my way down the hall to the men's suite. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

"Sanai! What you doing here?" Ceez asked me.

I pushed past him and made my way to the bathroom that was off the master bedroom. I knocked on the bathroom door softly.

"Skylar, baby, it's me. Open the door." I said softly. Seconds later the door opened a little. I walked in and saw him on the floor with his knees pulled up to his chest and his chin resting on his knees. I got on my knees directly in front of him.

He looked up at me with wide eyes full of worry. I opened my arms and he moved into my embrace. His heavy breathing started to subside as I gently ran my hand up and down his back. After a few minutes he was calm once again.

"You still want to marry me?" I asked him honestly.

"Hell yeah." He said with a smirk. "You just passed the test."

I looked at him with confusion written all over my face

"Any other chick would have been like 'Oh my gosh! You know it's bad luck for the bride and groom to see each other before the wedding.' But you didn't dwell on that bs. You came to your man's aid and I appreciate that. That shows you just how different our relationship is from everybody elses. I love you Sanai, with my whole heart. I really do." He confessed.

"Awww babe stop! You gon make Rae mad at me." I whined with a giggle, wiping at my eyes.

"Ok. I'm sorry. Gimme a kiss." He said, wiping my face.

"No. You'll get it at the altar." I said, rising to my feet.

"Really, babe?"

"Yes sir. Now I gotta go get dressed. I'll see you in an hour." I said, placing a quick peck on his cheek.

"Wait." He called. I turned around and he walked over to me, linked our ring fingers and kissed them.

That's right, I got 'SJ2 Forever' tatted on my ring finger. Skylar and I are permanent. He made a habit of doing that every time we left each other.

I smiled up at him before walking out of the room.

"I'll see you in an hour, ma!" He called out after me.

An Hour Later


"My nigga, will you stay still!" Ceez whispered yelled to me as we stood at the altar.

"I can't help it. I'm nervous!"

"What are you nervous for? You love her right?" He asked. I nodded my head in reply. "Then you ain't got nothing to worry about."

I sighed and took a deep breath. I just never thought I'd be getting married so young. But, I guess there's no time stamp on love. When you know, you know.

When I focused my attention back on the aisle it was the flower girls turn to walk down. Neither of us had little girls in our family but luckily my new teammate volunteered his daughter Riley.

That's right, I got drafted to the Golden State Warriors. I must say that Steph Curry and his wife Ayesha are definitely role models for me and Sanai. I mean they were twenty three when they got married too and their relationship has lasted. And its only getting stronger. Chilling with them helped strengthen our resolve to get married. I just have to step my game up and continue to be faithful to my love.

Once Riley reached the altar the music switched which meant that Sanai was about to walk. A nigga was literally about to faint. I was so scared to look at Sanai I looked at her daddy. That nigga looked fresh in his suit. As they got closer, I couldn't deny myself the privilege of looking at my bride.

When I looked at her, tears automatically fell from my eyes. A nigga was leaking like a faucet. I felt like a punk but at that moment it was the only way to express my happiness.

Don kissed Sanai on the cheek and I reached out my hand to help her up the small step. I was shocked that she wasn't crying I see I got me a little thug on my hands.

I didn't pay attention to nothing the officiate was saying. All I could do was stare at my girl.

"Now the bride and groom have specifically requested that in conjunction with their vows that they both recite the definition of love as outlined in the thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians together." The officiate announced after we recited our vows.

"You may begin." He instructed.

I took Sanai's hands in mine as we began to speak.

"Love is patient and kind.Love is not jealous.It does not brag, does not get puffed up,does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests,does not become provoked.It does not keep account of the injury.It does not rejoice over unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,endures all things. Love never fails.Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love."

At that point s when Sanai finally started to cry. Ever since we got engaged we agreed that our relationship would be based on love. If we abide by the true definition of love then we gon be alright.

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