Chapter 16

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"What's wrong, Sanai?" Skylar asked as he walked into his bedroom. I was currently sitting indian style in the middle of his bed.

"I just have a lot on my mind." I admitted.

"Well get to talking." He said plopping down on the bed. He situated himself and then pulled me down on top of him.

I laid my head on his chest. I arranged my thoughts as I traced the contours of the muscles in his right arm.

"What am I gon do about this dorm room situation?" I sighed.

"What you mean? You know you can stay here with me." He reminded me.

"I know that but..."

"But what, Sanai?"

"I don't want to live here. With our relationship just starting out I need us to have our space."


"Not like that, Skylar. I will most definitely be here every weekend but when you start going on the road to your away games, I don't want to be here alone." I reasoned.

"True, I didn't even think about what you wanna do? The new semester starts in two weeks."

"I don't know...maybe I'll file a complaint and get Kai to vouch for me. That way Tanisha will have to leave the dorms instead of me."

"That sounds like a good plan. Hopefully it works."

"Yeah, hopefully. In the meantime though, I need to go get some clothes and stuff."

"Why?" he asked seriously.

"What you mean why?"

"Why get clothes when you can walk around naked?" he asked, lacing kisses on my neck.

"Ooohhh Skylar stop..." I struggled to stay.

"Got her screamin like ooh ooh oohh." He whispered.

"You get on my nerves." I laughed, playfully punching him in the arms. "Let's go get my stuff."

"Why right now? I just got home." He whined.

"Come on papi. I'll cook for you when we get back." I bargained.


I stale-faced him.

"I'll settle for them little short things you be wearing. You gotta wear one of those half-shirt things though too." He bargained.

I continued to stare at him.

"Either that or a nigga finna sleep." He said, pulling back the covers.

"Deal." I agreed finally.

"Cool." He said, licking his lips.

"Let's go...pervert." I mumbled the last part, earning me a smack on the behind.

"Don't be calling me no pervert."

I looked at him and pouted. "Skylar that hurt."

"So." He laughed. When he saw that I was still pouting he pulled me into his arms and began to rub the sore spot.

"Feel better?" he asked.

"Much better." I replied, biting my lip.

"But I'm the freak though." He reasoned.


I was a bit nervous as we walked into the dorm building but I was stable knowing that Skylar was by my side. As we walked up to the door I heard someone calling me from behind. I turned around and saw Kai walking up behind me.

"Where have you been all weekend?" I asked her suspiciously, noticing the overnight bag in her hand.

"Girl don't trip." She said with a smirk before unlocking the door to our dorm.

Skylar and I followed behind her as she led the way into the apartment. Skylar took a seat on the couch as I went to grab storage containers that I had in the hallway cabinet.

"Oh my god!!!!!" I heard Kai shriek.

I immediately dropped what I was doing and ran to the room that we shared. The rate of my heartbeat immediately sped up when I recognized the reason behind her screams.

I surveyed the room. Kai's side was perfectly intact. My side of the room was trashed. My pillow was cut open. My comforter was stained with something red. My laptop was smashed along with my tablet. 'Whore' was spray painted on the wall above my bed. There were shreds of fabric all over everywhere. When I looked in my closet and drawers I realized that those shreds were my clothes. I rushed to the stash that was at the back of my closet and like I expected, my money was gone as well as the gold locket that my mother passed on to me before she passed away.

I stepped back and stared on in utter devastation. I heard the front door open and close and at that moment my devastation turned into anger.

I pushed past Skylar and into the living room where I saw Tanisha standing there with a smirk on her face. In a fit of rage I ran over to her and tackled her to the ground. Everything around me became a blur as I delivered punch after to her face. When I got tired of punching her I just clawed at her face. I hated her so much and I wanted her to see just how much I did. I scratched until I saw blood begin to drip. At that point was when Skylar tried to pull me off of her. I got a tight hold on a fistful of the synthetic trash she had sewed in and I wouldn't let go. As he pulled me, I pulled her and stomped her. I stomped and stomped until I was tired. Then I spit on her.

"You nasty, tacky, dirty tramp! You fucked with me for the last time! Try to get a nigga to fuck you now with them tiger stripes on your face and those bald spots you got! And you may have fucked my man but recognize that that dick is my now bitch!" I said before spitting on her and stomping her for the last time.

I ran out of the dorm and toward Skylar's car. I stared off into the distance. A minute later I felt Skylar standing in front of me. I tried to avoid looking at him but I failed. When I looked up into his eyes; the eyes of the guy that I felt so deeply for... the floodgates opened and tears poured out of my eyes.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm a monster. I'm just like her." I cried.

"Don't ever say that shit again! You are nothing like her, Sanai. She pushed you to a place that was foreign but that does not make you her equal. Do you understand me?" he chastised me sternly.

I bit my lip and shook my head before falling to my knees. I felt Skylar lift me up. He picked me up and held me just like a baby.

"Stop crying, baby. Everything is gonna be okay." He whispered to me as he rubbed my back. All I could do was cry as I buried my head into his chest. I was so ashamed of myself.

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