The Puppeteer

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My eyes widen when seeing Grell on top of a near by building. Her red cloak blowing in the soft night wind, the moon behind making her red clothing look more vibrant.

"I am a hunter of love! And at last. My prey is before me!" She drags her hand along her chest, "red is the color of fiery passion! And I am flaming!" My throat felt dry, and I felt panic rise in my chest seeing her wear that coat that didn't quite fit.

Grell points her finger at Pluto with a toothy grin, "a gorgeous man! Right there!"


As much as I try to forget, the Jack The Ripper case was still fresh in my mind. The death of another dear family member would always be reminded whenever this reaper is around. And how Rosalie had risked her safety because of me, even if we hadn't known each other for long.

Words couldn't form out of my mouth, so Irene vents my frustration for me, "get out of here! We don't need a damn Reaper here!" She shouts. Grell finally notices the demons presence and clicks her tongue, "'s you. And what are you doing here? I thought Bassy would be nearby, but he's nowhere to be found it seems.." Grell says with a sigh. Irene scoffs, "Sebastian is away on other business. I'm here to protect Lord Phantomhive while he helps me with a problem."
"Oh? And what problem could you have where you need this brats help with? Don't you have a kid of your own already?" Grell asks, waving her hand around. Irene frowns, "none of your business." Grell sighs, "fine fine. Anyways, I'm not here for you. I'm here on a job." Grell jumps down from the roof, and lands in the same alley as us. Putting Irene more on edge.

"After the whole Madam Red incident I was demoted, so I'm here doing small jobs." She whines, "that brute Will told me I wouldn't get my old post back until I collected some truly troublesome souls!" She clicks her tongue, "rotten sadist. Although I must confess, I do like a little rotten fruit every now and then. And those cold eyes of his sure keep me warm enough on a freezing night!" She squeals. Irene and I shutter disgustedly.

'I can't stand the sight of her.'

Irene shakes her head, "who the hell asked for your sob story? We're on a bit of a time limit here. So if you would go do your business peacefully elsewhere I won't kick your ass like the last time." Grell gasps like her feelings were actually hurt, "damn demon! You're so cruel saying that you don't care!" Irene rolls her eyes, "yeah okay. Lord Phantomhive, We should-" Pluto suddenly pulls out of my grasp, and runs towards Grell barking. I turn my head to Irene and we both nod, having the same idea as to what Pluto was sniffing out. We follow Pluto.

Grells smile widens as she squirms about happily, "ooooo~ hes going to attack me!" She opens her arms out to Pluto, "how exciting! I'm all yours but please be gentle!" Pluto ignores Grell and just runs past her, Irene and I pass Grell too without a second glance. It takes a second for Grell to realize no one paid any attention to her, "eh? HEY! What am I?! Chopped liver?!" She shouts behind us.

We ignore her and follow Pluto deeper into the alley ways. Taking different twists and turns, he was barking all along the way to keep us following.

My head felt a little fuzzy with worry.

'Are we going to make it in time? Did Pluto actually sniff her out? Please be okay. Don't be dead. Don't be dead, don't be dead."

I suddenly skid to a stop when we come to a large space in the alley, where all the different directions seemed to collide to one center. There was a shop in this space, with a large window at the front. And sitting in that window, was a small doll that looked identical to Rosalie. My eyes widen as I mutter out, "Rosalie." Irene was already ahead of me, and I was about to continue to run after the demon and the dog when I stop, "look what we have here," my head snaps back to Grell, who I guess followed us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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