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~I was left in the darkness so i became the darkness~



i managed to shut that shit off before it woke them. I dragged myself out of bed praying i would get to school without having to face any beatings. My whole body was sore from yesterday, i couldn't take anymore pain.

I dont like school, it's not like i have friends there, i just get bullied on a daily. But its way better than being at that so called place 'home'.

I shudded at my own thoughts, snapping out of my trance in the process. I threw on a large grey hoodie and black leggings knowing it was the only other thing i had left to wear apart from my pj's, and slipped on my worn out hi-top converse.

I hurried out not stopping for food, even though i was starving. Thankfully, I made it to school on time.

I was on my way to first period when I got slammed into the wall. Its always the damn walls, not even the lockers but the walls.

I looked up and locked eyes with none other than the school bullies triplets. Brittany, Brianna and Bethany. I internally groaned, mentally preparing my self for their bullshit.

"So, the school whore decided it was a good idea to stop by and say hello"

She threw me on the floor like a piece of shit, like i wasnt human. I looked up to see a huge crowd round us. They kicked me continuously in the stomach, making me spit blood but before they could do anything else the intercom saved me

"Can Angela Adams please report to the principals office. Angela Adams to the principle office please."

A sigh of relief escaped my bloody lips as i made my way to the office. Wiping the blood with my sleeve on the way.

I didnt do anything wrong did i? Are the going to call my "parents"? They didnt find out about the abuse right? I would be dead if they did.

I was so lost in my thoughts i didnt even notice i reached the office. Hesitantly, i knocked, entering when i heard a faint 'come in'

As soon as i set foot inside, the door slammed shut behind me, causing me to flinch. I spun around to see who closed it, and i was met by a giant. Literally. Im tiny compared to him.

He didnt say a thing, a cold expression remaning on his face.
"Take a seat Angela"
I took a seat and began to unconsciously fiddle with my fingers, as my anxiety built up inside me.

"You're parents died while driving under the influence, you will be moving in with your older brother so you wont be put into foster care. He has agreed to be your legal gaurdian already. Im so so sorry for you loss, it must be difficult for you but hopefully you will move on"

I stared at him in disbelief. Im free. Im finally free. This hoe really thought i cared about them. They can rest in piss for all i care.

"Lets go"
My mini party was cut short by an emotionless voice behind me, i nodded not daring my eyeballs to look at his.

We left the school and made our way to a black and blue lamborghini. To say i was shook was an understimate. To say he was richh was an underestimate. He was packed. Loaded even.

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