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~ if you believe you can then you're already halfway there ~

Angela ~

"You wake her up"

"Why me?"

"Because i said so"

"But you're closest to her"

"So what?"

"I will fight you"

"Go on, i dare you"

"Ok then watch"

My eyes fluttered open, to be greeted with two idiots about to fight.
"Im awake, jeez"

Hayden came into view, limping his way towards us. "The building is going to blow, you lot need to go through that door and leave ill be out in two minutes" He stated, dramatically dropping to the floor.

"Ok, thanks" Layton give him a quick hug before she and Issiah ran out, leaving us two alone.
"You're still a dick"

"You're still a bitch"

"Thanks anyway" i ruffled his hair before running out myself.

Third person ~

As soon as Angela left she almost got shot, but they recognised her just intime. She jumped into Leo's arms embracing eachother into a tight hug, as if one of them would disappear if they let go before hugging the rest of her brothers and friends.

However, Hayden made no sign or attempt to leave. The building was about to errupt into flames yet his injured self laid still, lifeless even.

Angela ~

Where is he? Where is Hayden?
I waited and waited but he never came out.

Then building bursts into flames, i couldn't bring myself to hate him anymore when he practically saved my life. He's still in the burning building, its my turn to return the favour. I have to help him

I turned on my heel and began sprinting towards the fire.
"Where are you going!?"

I simply ignored all their calls, running in the same way i ran out.

There he lay with his lifeless body. The door loudly came crashing down behind me, leaving me no choice but to find a new exit.

I wondered round the burning building, coughing regularly, dragging an unconscious Hayden along with me.

Smoke hovered below the roof making it very difficult to see.

After a few minutes of searching a door came into view, i dont know where it leads to but its worth a shot.

After throwing a few kicks to the door it fell down, a green scenery outside visible. I leaped out and the warehouse broke, crashing down to the ground.

That was close.

Third person ~

They waited impatiently in front of the warehouse, eager to see her come running back. As time passed, their hopes of making it out in time diminished.

In a matter of seconds the building came crashing down in flames right before their eyes, without their sorella running back out.

In tears, they were all brought to their knees by the realization of their worst nightmare coming alive.  They never imagined they would experience this, but they did. They believed everything was going to be fine, but they were wrong.

They lost their sorella and there is nothing they can do to bring her back.

×2months later×

They are mourning Angela's passing today. It never occurred to them that it would be so soon, but this is life.

She was supposed to die in this way, this was her fate.

They were all dressed in black suits, their hair styled similarly, and Melissa was dressed in a black mini dress with a sleek ponytail.

Melissa and Angela we best friends, for lifers, each others ride or die, they were inseparable. But death did them part, it was as if they were married.

They found the heart pendant, but not her body, so they filled her coffin with orange, yellow, and red roses while placing the necklace on top.

Not many were invited to the funeral, but all who  was invited, were suprised to see Leo cry.

DeLuca family is everything to them, losing a member doesn't come lightly to them.


Since she passed away two months ago, I have been visiting her grave every Sunday to lay orange roses with a red tint on them. Whenever a rose decays on her grave, I replace it so she doesn't have to look down at me from heaven and scold me.

No matter if she couldn't read it, I'd always leave a small note for her. Hers was alone among all the other graves, so it didn't matter how many notes there were.

Her life lacked fourteen years of our presence. She was lost for a while, and soon after she was found. Afterwards, she was gone once again. It was the first time she was lost not gone.

Something that is lost can be found, something that's gone is not coming back, at all.

Angela is gone, she's not coming back.

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