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~ lighting doesn't thunder twice let that be a lesson in love~


I left Angela's hospital room with my cheeks as red as blood. I saw Carlos with his head in his hands. He looks pissed.

I made my way towards him, stopping right infornt of him. Waiting him to notice my freshly white airforce 1s. He eventually looked up and his eyes softened at the sight of me.

He stood his figure slightly towering over me, not because hes tall but because im short. AND THICK.


"Do you wanna talk about it" he thought about it for a second before shaking his head 'no'. I want to comfort him so bad but he doesnt want to talk about it.

He seemed lost in his thoughts, so i pushed myself up on my tiptoes engulfing him in a hug. He was definitely shocked, it took a while for him to regain composure and he hugged me back.

We broke the hug, his hands back in his pockets and my arms still wrapped loosely around his neck."thanks" he whispered.

I stared into his ice blue orbs as the distance between our faces slowly closed up and soon the distance between our lips was millimeters.

I swear if this sexy hoe licks his lips again.

And he did.

Oh fuck it.

I pressed our lips together, just as i was about to pull away i felt one arm wrapped around my waist and the other round to the back of my neck as he kissed me back. Our tongues danced in sync together, before we finally pulled away.

Thats was the best kiss I've ever had.

Before he could pull me back into another kiss, Angela burst out the room. Before she could spot us we removed our hands off eachother.

I simply folded my arms while he shoved his hands back in his pockets. Again.

We quickly found the floor the most interesting thing ever, zoning out as soon as our eyes landed their.

"Mel! You and Elijah are having a sleepover at our houseee!" She sang. Mine and Carlos' eyes widened. I stared at her in disbelief.

"T-thats great" i stuttered as my eyes flicked back to Carlos who had a smirk playing on his lips. So i matched it.


These two hoes are planning something, the way they be looking at eachother smirking means something is going on.


We arrived back home after stopping at thier houses for them to pack.I dragged Lijah back to my room. Shutting the door and locking it.

"Melissa and Carlos like eachother, and they way they was smiling at eachother when i told them you two were staying over which means something is probably gonna happen at night so i already know that you two are in the guest rooms so ill senak into your room tonight because i know Carlos will do the same" i rushed out in one sentence.

I leaned on the wall trying to catch my breath while Elijah was stood the with amusement dancing in his eyes." I could just stay here it would be easier"

I havent acknowledged this till now but Elijah is HOT. Lightskin that glows beneaththe sunlight, black curl hair that shines in the moonlight and bright blue eyes like me. Things could get STEAMY YANO.

And the doors locked sooo..... i felt smirk land on my face due to my thoughts.

He noticed and began advancing towards me, slowly, i didnt dare to move, just allowing him to enjoy his little moment.

He stopped infront of me, placing both hands on either side of my body, trapping me.

"Hey Alexa...... turn the lights red"

He looked up as the lights turned red, admiring the beauty before returning his eyes back to me. They were filled with nothing but love and lust.

"Im too good at this game -" i gave him a questionable look, raising one of my eyebrows in confusion "- Hey Alexa......play sex sounds by lil Tjay"

"im tired" i complained out of nowhere. He threw me one of his hoodies and i instantly went to the bathroom to put it on.

His hoodie reached just above my knees, I checked in the mirror and none of my scars are visible so i walked out feeling comfy as ever.

He was in grey sweats and had no top. I was physically unable to rip my eyes away."take a pic it will last longer"

I rolled my eyes as we went to sit on the bed to cuddle, i was texting Melissa and he was texting Carlos. I sent her a quick snap of us and there was a knock on the door.

"You go get the door"

"Why me?"

"Cuz if you don't I'll..uhm...I'll keep your hoodie"

"Ok, it looks better on you anyway"

His words made me blush, i got up quickly hiding my face in the hood as i went to open the door causing him to laugh.

I opened the door revealing Melissa laughing at my brother. As soon as theey saw me i was bombarded with questions.

"Why are you blasting sex sounds?"

"Whoses hoodie is that?"

"Why is Elijah shirtless on your bed?"

"You guys did the dirty didnt you?"

"Wait, thats his hoodie isn't it?"

"What is going on in here anyway?"

"Why are the led lights red?"

"Imagine if Leo saw this"

"Imagine if i saw what?"

My head snapped to Leo, swear i got whiplash but whatever.

"NOTHING" We all said at the same time.

He eyed all three of us suspiciously before walking away with an amused grin of his face.

We all ran into my room and locked it, Elijah stared at us dumbfounded, confused at what just happened.

We all burst out laughing.

I think i might have laughed too hard because my ribs started to hurt like crazy. I couldn't help but to wince at the pain, causing everyone to look at me.

"Its nothing, dont worry about it" i lied. I dropped to the floor from the immense pain rushing through me, preventing the tears from falling.

Mel threw my a pair of black leggings to contrast the white hoodie and i quickly put them on, while Elijah threw a shirt on.

"Care to explain" i fiddle with my fingers, trying to think of an excuse for my hands only to be pulled apart buy Eli. He gave me a pleading look as he turned the led lights back to normal and the music off.

Slowly but surely, i raised the hoodie up to reveal my bruised ribs.
"What the fuck happened" I flinched at Carlos' tone. I dont like him when hes angry.

"Hoe shush your mouth can't you see shes about to cry" Melissa's whisper shout was all it took and the tears started falling. My mind and heartbeat was racing, i couldn't focus on anything.

"Focus on my heartbeat princess, please"

"Shes having a panic attack!"

"No shit sherlock"

"Go get Leo!"

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