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~never tiptoe throught life, let them hear every fucking step you take~


I woke up at 1AM exactly. I had nothing to do so i got up and began wondering around, like a lost animal. I ended up sitting directly in the middle of the room, slowly allowing myself sink into the hell of my thoughts.

Why did they say all those things about me when they have no idea what I've been through? Do they really  mean what they say? Is what they said was correct? Am i not the Angela they're looking for? What if i actually dont belong here? Maybe they're right, i should have died in the fire with them.

A stray tear fell down my face, i turned to the window to open it for fresh air when i spotted two figures. My brows furrowed in confusion.

One of them had a familiar pair of grey eyes while the other had unrecognisable hazel ones. Strange, why are they watching me?

I quickly shut the curtains and decided to go back to sleep.


My eyes shot open. Someone's here. I turned to see not only Elijah still sleeping but the time aswell.

It's 3AM.

I keep seeing shadows running back and forth. My anxiety got the best of me and i woke him up out of fear.
"Why you up so early, the fuck, go back to sleep"

"No someone's here"

"What do you mean" he asked. Siting more upright. I looked at him then into the darkness of the room.

"Im not afraid of the dark im afraid of what's in it and right now someone else is in here. And its not one of my brothers or Melissa."

I could tell he's seen a figure scurrying back and forth, his eyes wouldnt move from the darkness infront of us.

"Wheres your phone" i grabbed my phone off my bedside table for it only to be touched with another persons hand. I gasped, quickly shuffled backwards into Eli's chest. His arms wrapped around me as i texted Leo.


Leo help

What are you on about and why are you texting me at this time

There's someone in the bedroom help

Kay, im coming

I shoved my phone under the pillow and held onto Elijah for dear life, waiting for Leo to arrive

The door opened slowly and the light flicked on, took him long enough.
"Layton? The fuck you doing in my sister's room?"

Who the hell is Layton? She sounds like a beg.

"I wanted to say hi but she had a guy in her bed so i decided to scare her" she shrugged. Im right she is a beg.

"Why? What the fuck. I dont even know you and you scared the shit out of me. Piss off"

"Language Angela and Layton next time use the front door and dont come in the middle of the night" and they both left.

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