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~if you want the rainbow you got to put up with the rain~

Unknown pov~

Today's the day im going to suprise her, hopefully she doesnt hate me, and she remembers me.

I was outside her house, faint voices coming from inside. I peaked through the window as the curtain was open, all her brothers were there including a few random people. But where is she?

One of the spotted me and i just awkwardly waved, for it was returned with same awkward energy and smile.

This grabbed the attention of all the othere, as they stared at me for being weird.

I walked in the be greeted with the same facial expressions.

"Hey uhm have you seen Angela?" I got aired.

"Why, who even are you?" Im guessing thats her boyfriend or something.

"An old friend" they all glared at me before saying they dont know where she is.

Guess ill have to find Angela myself.



My eyes shot open, they were met with Taylor's brown ones. EW such plain eyes, like what the hell.

Once she realised i wasnt moving she came and kicked me in the ribs.

"What the fuck, bitch!" I winced at the pain she inflicted upon me, remembering they were already bruised. I undone the top of the overalls, yes im still in the same clothes as when i went to school. I lifted the white bloody shirt the see that i was not only bleeding but they were way worse than last time.

"Shit" i muttered like i was the only one here.

"What?" A hand softly lifted my chin forcing my eyeballs to meet theirs. Hayden.

The hell this hoe doin here?

"Why you swearing for?"i simply rolled my eyes, releasing my chin from his grip.
"Nothing" i attempted to stand up only to end up leaning on the wall for support.

How bad are these ribs fam?

"Is it still nothing?" Just by the tone of his voice i could tell he had a fat smirk on his face because he won. Such a dick.

"Bruised ribs" i dont have the time to fight. As soon as i spoke Zaheer walked in.

We locked eyes and i was gobsmacked.

"What are you doing here you prick, you know we was all looking for you when i almost died. AND YOU WASNT EVEN THERE WHEN I WOKE UP"

"Whatever, who sent you to go die. And I'm here cuz i work here. The fuck" the he left.

Fake ass fat ass dumbass musty ass crusty ass peanut-sized-brain ass cockroach lookin ass hoe.

You pigeon.

Fly away.

Go join your flock.

Lonely mongoose.

I hate Zaheer so much, more than Daniel and Hayden and Calvin.

I sat muttering a string of curse words under my breath, for no reason a hand connected with my cheek.

Snapping out of my thoughts i stared at this girl in confusion.

"Why'd you slap me for?" I was genuinely confused.

"Because you're trying to steal my boyfriend" she aint wrong but she's just like Erin. Wonder what that hoe is doin with her life.

"You're crazy, but if i wanted to i already would have"

"No you wouldn't have, you can't do anything"

"Yeah i can"

"No you can't"

"Yeah i can wanna know why"


"Because im that bitch" i had the biggest victory grin on my face, gimme the plate bitch coz you really thought you ate.

Nah seriously im hungry.

Once again my train of thoughts stopped when she hit me again.

"You twat, what the hell"

The first slap was just the start, she threw more slaps, then punches till i was on the floor. All her attacks were then followed by kicks.

To where? My ribs. Again.

Her swift kicks got more power by the second, i lay there squirming in agony as blood dripped from my mouth.

My eyelids felt heavy and began falling slowly, at the same time someone entered the room.
"What the fuck Erica!"


"i dont care you slag, get the fuck out my sight"


I was on my way to check on the other prisoners after an exhausting meeting with my father. Let's see who's still here.
Layton, check
Issiah, check
Daniella, check
Kai and kaia, check
Kayla and Nyla, check
Marc, Marco and Marcus, check
Jonah, check.

And now i need to double check Angela's still here, the Italians are powerful. As i approached her cell, audible sounds of someone coughing blood could be heard.


I ran in shoving Erica or whatever name is, aside to pick up an unconscious Angela again, lightly jogging to the medical room. Theres was noone there.

I dont want her to know that i was the one to clean her up so i rushed the process, starting with the front.

The bruises on her ribs are way too big to have just formed today, same with the ones on her wrist. Her brothers didnt do this, did they? They cant have, but theres noone i know from her past.

I cleaned up her wounds then checked her back.

To say i was concerned was an underestimate, i was horrified. There were whip marks, cuts and scratches everywhere. There were even words and numbers carved into her. With a mini black heart tattoo on the back of her neck, how did i not see that before.

Whore, slag, slut, weak and the numbers, 260508.6

Wonder if she has anymore scars,I'll ask her about it later, the numbers especially.

What do they mean, what do they symbolise? What's her back story? What secrets is she keeping, and what's she hiding.

I shook off my thoughts, cleaning her up then tieing her to another chair in another room.

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