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~your body without scars is like the sky without stars~


First of all these dumbass hoes wont let me leave and second the wont let me answer the call. I dont think they know how overprotective he is. Like that hoe could track me down in seconds cant lie.
"We know hes going to track down your phone to find you, so we are going to have some fun before he gets here. Ok sweetheart?"

It was a rhetorical question, im not that stupid to answer it. He quickly took off his none branded belt and wrapped it up.



I tried once more the get up only to be held back down."get off me you fat cunt!" They only ignored my shout and thats when i felt a burning sensation on my bare thighs.

The whips kept coming and coming nonstop, marks covered both my thighs. There was not a single place that hasnt been touched, everywhere was red.

Hot tears streamed down my face,"please stop, i didnt do anything wrong" i begged. It was no use, he just kept going. My cries filled the entire room.

"Ennie Meenie Minnie Mo i catch a whore right by the toe-" they chanted pushing me around between them"-if she aint fucking me and my bestie kick that whore right through the jaw" and thats exactly what that same hoe that was whipping me did. He kicked me through the jaw. Blood poured out my mouth as they continued to do this over and over again.

How dare they change to lyrics though.

After another ten minutes of torture the doors slammed open."LEO" Everyone stopped in their tracks as they entered and i counted who was there.
Leo, check
Alex, check
Caden, check
Carlos, check
Melissa, check
Elijah, check
Dehlila, check
Xavier, check
Xander, check
"Where's Richard and Rodrigo?"

They all shrugged at my question as Elijah helped me up. I can barely stand, that's how much pain they inflicted onto my legs. However my jaw was just bruised, not broken, bruised.

I held onto him as my legs wobbled in attempt to walk, but i gave up as soon as i failed.

"Lets get you home, we will deal with these five" Leo said way too camly, staring the boys up and down then straight into the windows of their soul.

However this would be a perfect time to prank them.

I dramatically allowed my eyelids to close, making my body limp in the process to scare them.
"Wait guys she passed out"

"We gotta get her to the fucking hospital"

"Lets move"

Damm my acting skills are amazing, but then i fell asleep which may have scared them too much.


As soon as we got home i marched into the kitchen, opening the fridge. Searching for food.

The doors closed, i spun around to be met with Leo next to the door, he was the only other one in here except me.
"What happened back at school?"

"Dont wanna talk about it"

"Farfalla please tell me, i want to help you"

"What do you mean by that!? When i needed you, all of you, the most where was you? When i was out there getting beat black and blue, by people who i thought loved me where the fuck were you!? When you was out here living life luxury i was struggling to survive! I was drowning in a pool of my own fucking blood. I've fallen deep in a hole and its too late for me to get out. If im your sister where the fuck were Richard and Rodrigo chattin shit about me!? Why were they saying i should have DIED WITH THEM HOES? Tell me Leo, tell me why. Why me?"

All my brothers ran into the room while Leo looked taken back, but i couldn't stop now.

"Do you know what kind of pain and suffering I've been through when i lived with my so called parents!? Why couldn't you guys look after me like the big brothers you claim to be. I didnt ask for this life, did i? Have you ever been beat so bad till you forget your own name or till your beat unconscious. Till your deprived of basic human needs. Till you have no dignity left, no reason to live anymore. And you have no right to tell me that 'you want to help me' for fuck sake. And you-"

I said pointing at the willy wonkers"-how can you send you friends after me!? What is wrong with you? I've tried so hard to just be me and you send them hoes to scare the shit out of me. I fuckin hate it here!"

I was finally done, finally i got everything off my chest. I was stood there breathing extremely heavily with a whole ass waterfall pouring out my eyes.

Regaining composure i walked out, but not without slamming the door.

I have no idea where im going but i just need to get away from there, from them for a while.

There was a small pathway on my left, going through an overgrown forest. I didnt want the 'only De Luca daughter' to be walking around the main streets alone, so i took a quick change of road. Seting off in that direction.

The path had few sticks in the way but i got past them pretty easily. Spiders lurked in every corner, EW.

I wasn't looking where i was going and felt a random sting on the side of my face.

On instict i pulled my phone out attempting to find the cut.

Eventually i found it, blood dripped down to my neck, looking as if i killed someone but at the same time i saw someone in the background.

The figure was stood limp behind me, creepily staring at me.

They had the same hazel eys as the ones i saw the other night, but why are they stalking me?

I shook off the thought, putting my phone back in my pocket. Looking ahead i saw the same familiar grey eyes stood in the same limp stance as the figure from before.

Turning around i saw the person was gone, but when i spun back around he was there. Stood next to the other figure. I began to slowly walk back and none of them moved.

I rotated and began running, only to run into a tree.


Out of nowhere something pressed against my neck and i started to feel dizzy, my vision began getting blurry.

The last thing i saw before i passed out was the grey eyed and hazel eyed people stood infront of me with sharp silver objects.

Oh shit.

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