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~you will never know the value of a moment till it becomes a memory~


The house hasn't been the same since she walked out, shes been gone for almost a month. The atmosphere has been very heavy lately, I regret everything I've done to her.

I need to make it up to her.

Noone has been the same, Rodigo has been leaving fist sized holes in the wall probablyout of guilt,i dont know, however I've been drowning myself in my own pity parties.

Carlos and Caden invite Melissa and Elijah over everday, lock themselves in their rooms and dont come out.

Alex and Leo have been working nonstop, looking for clues to help them.

Some of the Furore's, Russo's and Castillo's have gone missing, theres a possibility they've been taken too.


I dragged myself to go open the door to be greeted with Angela's-old-friend-smurf-lookin-rat.
"Why you here, creep?"

"I know where Angela Angela and the others are and i brought help"Jordyn and Dante came into view, then Aaron.


I was once again tied to a chair in the dark, but unlike yesterday my body isnt sore. I dont know who treated my wounds but i do feel like singing.



A lanky figue walked in, they had very familiar brown eyes.

No it cant be, he died in a fire. Right?

The lights turned on and it was him.

Keep the confident mask on, come on Angela.

"Ew i thought you died"

"Well you thought wrong, see the fire was act-"

"Hoe i didnt ask, what do you want from me anyway" he just stared at me with a mischievous grin and began circling my chair.

"You know i was going to tell you why i let you move in with your older brothers"

"Really oh i thought you was go-"was cut mid sentence with a slap.

I had no way to fend for myself as i was tied up, so i sat there as he continuously hit me. My head snapping left to right, over and over again.

"You really thought I was going to let you finish that sentence when you didnt let me finish mine." He kicked my hard in the ribs causing me and my best friend, the chair, to topple over.

I literally just had my ribs taken care of.

"Thats enough" whose cold voice was that?
In walked an unrecognisable person, but he does look similar to Hayden.

Speaking of the devil, he walked in too. With his arm yet again around petunia.

"OMG petunia! Hi gurl!" If i piss her off theres nothing she can do about it.

"My name aint petunia, karen"

"Jeez Louise, calm your titties. Oh wait you dont have none" i heard a snicker come from Hayden. Gues that hoe has some humor too.

"Sorry Naruto but why you laughing for when your dick is just as small?" His amused face quickly switching up to a glare but i could still see him holding back a smile.

A victorious smirk made its way onto my face when he didnt reply.

"Sorry Rapunzel but when was i speaking to you?" I spoke too soon.

"Why are you callin me Rapunzel when ive only been here a week and not my whole life?"

"Its actually almost been a month you know"

"How am i supposed to know when im usually asleep or tied up and you always have my phone, Einstein?"

"I dont know sherlock, you tell me" when he saw i had nothing to say he spoke again.

"Whats the matter princess, is my dick stuck in that throat of yours?"

"Shush your mouth!"

"Thats enough you two" a small winners smile crept upon his face as a glare fell on mine.

The ropes on my wrists and ankles loosened and i stood up cracking every single bone in body.

"Gotta use the bathroom" and i was escorted to there, as they didn't trust me.

I dont even need the toilet, i just need some alone time. Time to think. Time to let my thoughts run wild.

How come my brothers havent found me yet if it's almost been a month? Are they even looking for me or do they just dont care that im gone? What if they wanted me gone all this time. Did they want this to happen? Is ths their whole plan to become the perfect family without me? Without their sorella. Im not worth enough am i? Will i ever be worth it or am i just a scum on the bottom of their shoe?

Tears ran down my face and my emotions got the best of me. I trashed the whole bathroom out of anger.

Wet and dry tissues were thrown everywhere, soap was squirted in all directions, toilet seat was broken and taps were open to the max.

When i was done letting my anger flow i pushed the door open, storming back to my cell not bothering to clear my tear-stained face.

All eyes were on me. "Ew, move you're ugly ass self before i throw some hands" she caught me at the wrong time.

I threw a punch straight to her face, breaking her nose. Just i was about to throw another i was held back,"LET GO OF ME YOU DONKEY" i wiggled like a worm in his grasp, tears clouding my vision.

Eventually, the person let go, dropping me on the floor. As i was about to get up a powerful kick was delivered to my stomach, sending me crashing into the wall.

" You're going to wish you was never born"

The gate closed and i was left here alone, chocked sobs followed by blood escaped my mouth.


~ Flashback ~

"You worthless whore, noone will ever love you"
I was chained to the basement wall, drenched in my own blood.

"Dad please im sorry!" My begging never worked, but it was always worth trying.
"Sorry doesn't mean anything"

He's right, actions speak louder than words

"You're going to wish you was never born"

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