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~it broke my heart but opened my eyes~


I was up on the third floor with Alex sorting out files when the door flew open. There stood both of the twins out of breath.

"Why you just going march into my office to breathe, imbeciles" i honestly wasn't in the mood for any pranks or bullshit like that.

We looked back down continuing, our work when they finally spoke up.

"It's...Angela....." both our heads darted back up at the comment.

Every single one of us ran out my office down the her room. I opened her door to find Angela sleeping, Elijah pacing back and forth, and Melissa sat lost in her thoughts.

"Whats going on in here?" I think alex was a little too loud with that question because Angela began to toss and turn.

We all stared at her in confusion and concern as she clawed at her wrists, as if she was trying to remove something that wasn't there.

It was then she screamed. A high pitched, ear piercing scream. It broke me. Completely.


~Flashback ~

He laid me on my back holding a tight grip of my wrists, forcing my hands above my head. My breathing and heart rate picked up quickly, as his large hands began to roam around my body freely.

He had never done this before. I was more than terrified of what he was going to do. I turned my 8 year old self to my mother, giving her pleading eyes, begging for this to stop, but she only smiled. Enjoying my pain.

I lay still as he held me down, touching me wherever he desires. I hadn't noticed that both our shorts were of or how my shirt was off or how his his hands were placed where my shirt should be.

I was numb. My throat was sore from crying and screaming. That was all i could ever do, cry and scream.

What kind of father does this?

I lay there lifeless as he and my mother left the room, cackling at the sight of me. At the sight of my body.

I was beat black and blue. I always try scream for help but noone ever hears me. Whats the point of talking to someone, calling for help if they never hear you?

It was then i decided , he's no father to my he can fall in a hole to rot and die.

~flashback over~

I jerked up covered in sweat, attempting to get air into my lungs.

All eyes were on me. When i say all i mean every single person currently in this house was now in my room, staring at me as if they killed me and i came back to life.

"Why yall looking at me like that?" This is me trying to change the subject, taking it off me.

The willy wonkers, as in the R twins, shugged and left as in nothing happened.


Alex, also and left, not before opening his big mouth"i let you guys talk to her first"


I was now left in the room with the oompa lumpas, my bestie, my side hoe and stuck under Leo's cold gaze.

I couldn't help but to shiver, like my timbers are definitely shivering so can you stop already. I rolled my eyes at him and he just mirrored it. Leaving the room straight after but just like alex did, he stopped to talk.

"Im not forgetting what just happened, we will just talk about it later." With that he left, slamming the door behind him.

"Jeez, who shit in his cheerios?" I commented crossing my arms.


I rolled my eyes again before getting up to stretch.

"You three-" i said pointing at the oompa lumpas and my bestie"-out!" They raised their hands in surrender and left peacefully.

Walked up to Elijah who had a massive grin on his face, and started pouting at him causing him to chuckle.

"Nothing, just telling you im going to shower" i shrugged.

"Kay, hurry up though i need to shower aswell"

"Just join me"

"Say no more"

"ONLY IF, i get another hoodie"

"Go ahead princess" he replied, taking his shirt back off while entering the bathroom.

God he so HOT. I made the right decision, NO REGRETS.


I was right, things could get STEAMY, bu not in that way but as in water evaporating. I was laying on my bed picking out a film while that hoe was still in the bathroom.

Right now i had my favourite black lace lingerie on under another one of his hoodies.

WHAT? They are so goddam comfortable....and warm...and they smell like h-
"Whatcha thinkin about?"

How did I not feel the bed dip beside me?

"It's nothing dont worry about" i suddenly found the end of the hoodie rather interesting. It has nice uh fabric used here.

He softly took my chin in his hands so i was facing him, as the other hand slowly slid up my thigh. I thought he was going in for a kiss but he swerved my lips and whispered in ny ear.

"Im not worrying cuz i already know" those words sent a big fat blush to my cheeks.
"Hoe, you really know how to fluster a girl dont you?"

He laughed at my question,"Nah I only do that to you" he replied before pecking my lips with a kiss.

"Get some rest princess, you need it" with that i laid beside him as his fingers brushed through my hair.

He was able to calm with simple words, he gave me a sense of security, belonging. Home. He saw all my scars in the shower but didn't even judge nor ask questions, he just saw me for me and didn't let my past affect whatever relationship we have.

I wish i could stay happy like this.

But we dont always get what we wish for, do we?

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