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~only fake flowers are flawless~


I woke up and i was alone. Like always, im not surprised he left. Everyone leaves eventually.

I got up deciding to get ready. When i say get ready i mean rise my scars till my body is red and throw on the same clothes as yesterday.

Today i have to go shopping. Dont get me wrong i love shopping but i have to go with Rodrigo and Richard. Those two hate my guts. And Alex, i havent even met that hoe yet.

Last nights sleep was the best i had in years. I happily skipped out my room with a large smug grin on my face. My joy was quickyl ruined by me bumping into a wall.

A wall!

I fell straight onto my ass. "Fuck" i muttered under my breath. To my surprise there was a chuckle, i looked up to be greeted with the same blue eyes as mine. I thought it was a wall.

"What an introduction puffo, im alex and language" my mouth fell in an o shape as i just stared at him. (smurf)

"Oh alright then, imma go eat breakfast" i scurried downstairs in embarrassment. What the hell is wrong with me? Im so weirrdd.

I took a seat between the oompa lumpas once again as everyone else joined us for breakfast.

"Bagels for breakfast?" Leo asked

Everyone but me said a chorus of yes'


"I dont like bagels.." i said barely above whisper. The oompa lumpas definitely heard. They fell off their chairs passing out in the process, causing the grumpy twins to trip over them landing face first, Alex dropping the plates he was getting off the shelf and Leo to spit his coffee out on the table. All at the same time.

I shuffled uncomfortably under all their gazes, well expect the oompa lumpas of course they were still out. "Could i just have buttered toast, i dont want this to happen again"

Everyone got up, cleaned their mess and acted like nothing happened.

We ate in an uncomfortable silence and left in the same way.

I was on my way to my room again, but my feet had to stop when two dickheads were talking about me. Again.
So i did the only logical thing to do.


"I hate her"

"Yeah same, she doesnt even like bagels, weirdo"

"She had to come and ruin this family, she belongs in foster care"

I didnt even notice i was crying. I made my way back downstairs as slowly as i could possibly go, while i wiped my tears. I asked Alex i we could go shopping now, and he just shoved me towards the car telling me he will be there five.


The drive was deathly quiet but we got to a large shopping mall.

As we entered i got weird stares. When i say weird i mean the eW wHy Is ThAt HoE wItH tHe RiCh BiTcHeS fOr look . People cannot mind their own dam business can they?.

Skipped shopping bit, wasnt interesting.

We was on our way out since we finished when we suddenly stopped walking and i turn to see Rodrigo chatting to some bitch. I can tell she spotted me cuz shes giving me the same dirty look i got when i first entered this place.

I blinked and she was right infornt of me. HOW THE FU-

"Ew Rodrigo is this whore why you dont wanna be with me anymore?"
She was just glaring at me. Whats with people and glaring at me i didnt do anything.

"Nah that whore is my sister" my eyes widened and i began to search for Alex, he wasnt here. Oh wait he stayed in the car. " im way hotter than her anyway"

"Excuse me bitch but my hair straightner hotter than you will ever be, and atleast i dont have to show my ass to be noticed you slut." I rolled my eyes. Im not in the mood.

I got shoved onto the floor, and next thing i knew these hoes were kicking my ribs and stomach while throwing unnecessary insults

I was about to pass out i could feel it, i was about to die here by the hands well legs of my brothers and their bitchy girlfriend. Nope not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

"ALEX Helpp!" My voice got quieter and i was out.


I was sat in the car chilling since it was my job to drop them off and pick them up. I was also half asleep too, not gonna lie.

"ALEX H-" what the fuck. The twins should be with her. I swear down if anything happened they are done

I flew out my car and ran inside to be met with Angela who had blood dripping from her lips and the twins with Rodrigo's arm around that bitch Erin, all of them smiling at her current state

They've done it this time.

"Lets go" my voice was cold and harsh but they crossed the line. I picked up Angela and dragged Rodrigo by his ear, Richard following close behind.

Why Rodrigo? Because hes the motherfucker who is trying dating Erin. But failing miserably.


When we got home i left Angela on the sofa and dragged both of them by the ear to Leo's offiice. I intend to show no mercy with thier punishments.


I woke up on.. the sofa. The sofa?

Last thing i remember is that bitch's oh so punchable dog face. Next time i see her im not going to stand there all so innocent.

I got up and made my way to the kitchen, to be greeted with the oompa lumpas stuffing their faces with donuts.



i can tell they were startled but i dont care. I have a craving with donuts and i need themmm.

We spent the next, i dont know hour? Fighting for the last donut. But nooooo.

Leo had to come out of nowhere and eat the last one.

"You all start school on Monday by the way"
And he just left like that. Rude much. Am I right?

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