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~just like the moon half my heart will always love the dark ~


I awoken to someone shaking my shoulders, however my eyes were still shut. "Ill give you three seconds to get the fuck off me or ill shoot you"

"Leo open your eyes, we gotta go" Dehlila..?
Slowly, my eyes opened exposing my forest green gems. I got up leaving Angela next to her brothers; greeting and thanking her.

She is really beautiful, always up for helping others and has a pure heart. I wonder why she is single sometimes. I explained everything that happened for us to end up here like this .

I placed all my siblings in the SUV she brought and woke Alex. I joined Lila in the front whilst Alex was in the back and we took off.
"Im hungry"

"Yeah same here"

"I need a drink"

"Yea me too but i also need to use the bathroom"

"Shush Angela is still sleeping"
I turned to see everyone was awake except Angela. She is definitely not sleeping, shes been out for too long to be asleep.

"Switch route, we need to get to the hospital"


When we arrived, everyone got out straight away but mainly because they all needed the toilet.

I handed my sorella into the the hands of a nurse, but not before telling her it will be her head if anything happens.

We sat outside her room wait for news. The R twins and Alex were playing games on their phones, the C twins were texting someone and Dehlila was sleeping on my shoulder while i played with her luscious curls. Her hair was like Angela's only that her hair was black and short my sister's was brown and long.

One of the doors flew open, i didn't register which one but five teenagers ran in stopping infront of Carlos and Caden.

"Xander, Xavier? What are yous doing here?"
We looked at eachother dumbfounded.
"She didnt tell you we all met did she?"

He looks real disappointed." We didnt have time"my eys dropped to the floor.


Me and Caden told Angela's little group that she's in hospital but i didnt think they were going to come here.

The only person we didn't tell was Zaheer. He's the enemy, and he would probably die if Alex and Leo saw him. The Diaz family and the Russo family are our enemies but i know for a fact Caden has a crush on kaia Russo, Leo has one on Dehlila Castillo, Alex has one on Daniella Castillo,
Rodigo and Richard have one on Kayla and Nyla Russo and Angela definitely has one on Elijah. END OF

Even if just met Melissa, she is stunning. The prettiest girl I've ever met, her dark skin and melanin complements her dyed blonde curls. When i first saw her i couldnt remove my eyes from her.

I value our friendship alot but being more than friends wouldnt hurt.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves, when a doctor ran out my sisters room.

We all leaped to our feets and he spoke, "she is stable but shes not awake yet, we dont know how long she will be out for but y-" i was tired of him rambling."yeah yeah we get the fucking point!"
"Carlos enough and language"
"Sorry Leo"

Everyone sat back down, and Melissa rested herself onto my shoulder closing her eyes as Dehlila did the same with Leo.


I felt someone nudging me and i turned to see Caden, Xavier and Xander wiggling their eyebrows at me. I playfully rolled my eys back at them and hesitantly wrapped my arm around her hourglass frame.

Surprisingly, she didnt push me off but only snuggled deeper into me, i couldnt help but blush. I looked up and saw that Alex took a picture of us, but i didnt glare at him, only smiled at him.

However Rodrigo was glaring AT me. As if he was... jealous. I quickly shook of that thought.

"Wait take a pic of Leo as well, they're sleeping" i whisper shouted.

Everyone's eyes immediately switched from us the them and i allowed myself to drift into a deep sleep.


"Carlos. Carlos. Carlos. CARLOS"
My eyes shot open and were met with Melissa's grey ones. A blush crept up on both our cheeks as we just stared at each other.

"Angela's awake" she mumbled after breaking eye contact. We got up and made our made to her room in silence.

As soon as we entered, everyone's eyes were on us with smirks tugging at the corner of ther lips. A blush returned back to our faces and i looked down to avoid anyone from seeing.


Im back bitches but not only that, i also saw Carlos blush. I SAW HIM BLUSH. He defo likes Melissa.

"HOE WHO GOT YOUR ASS BLUSHIN AND SMILIN LIKE THAT" I teased. He just blushed even harder. " hello to you too angela" his gaze was still fixed on the floor. He was embarrassed.

He walked back out STILL BLUSHING and we all started laughing.

I think i laughed too hard because my ribs started to hurt. I quickly covered up the pain with a smile." Can we go home i dont wanna stay here AND can Elijah and Melissa stay over please" the twins have already gone home and i did my best puppy eyes to Leo.

"Okay fine, just stop already" he complained shielding his emerald gems.

I got up standing on the bed doing my happy dance when i the corner of my eye i saw Melissa about toleave the room

"LISSA WAIT -" she turned, raising her brow waiting for me to continue "- cheer him up will ya" She stared at me blushing just like carlos did, throwing her middle finger up at me before leaving and we all started laughing.



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