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~ not doing what you like but liking what you do, is the secret to happiness ~


"We infiltrate the base blocking off all exits and entrances so the can't get anyone in or out. Meaning they wont be able to call for backup. My men will be ready with all the getaway SUVs. We will be saving every single person currently in there then we take town the spanish mafia. Capture the heir Hayden Morelli and BOOM. We've won. Any questions?"

"And if they have moved location?" Good question.

"They can't. From tonight all my men will be surrounding the perimeter, anyone who tries anything will be taken to the warehouse. We cant afford to lose nor be betrayed. We must check everyone involved with project 48 to ensure their loyalty"

Everyone nodded to the plan, signaling for me to continue.

"We will be split into groups and each group will cover a certain piece of land, once everyone is out the building will be blown up.Save the kids, capture the enemies kids and kill anyone else standing in the way. No mercy. We have our skilled snipers placed everywhere, if anyone is caught lacking in anyway or talking with the enemies, your getting a bullet in the head. Thats non-negotiable."

"Carlos and Caden, gather up fifty men, you're team one. Rodrigo and Richard do the same you're team two. Xavier and Xander do the same you're team three. Alex and the kid who is supposedly Angela's old friend, do the same you're team four. Jordyn and Aaron, do the same you're team five. Me and Dehlila will gather the rest, call us team six or whatever you want."

"The phase will be executed at midnight be ready"  Everyone left to gather their teams

Its 7PM, we have just about five hours and our men will surround the area in about two hours.

Issiah ~

"PSSST GET UP" that is the loudest whisper shout ive ever heard, but nonetheless I got up.

"Layton, shush" even though we are siblings, we've become even closer during our time in here together. Is that possible? I think it's possible.

"Angela, shes in here too!"

"What are we waiting for? Lets go"

It took us about an hour to find where she was.

We ran into to her cell to find her curled up, crying in her sleep, drenched in a mini pool of her own blood.

We seriously need to get out of here.

Angela ~

"Get up"

"Get up!"


"IM UP" I was covered in blood, i was about to scream untill yesterday's events flooded my mind. Its my blood.

Infront of me was Layton and Issiah. I threw myself onto them, hugging the life out of them" we need to get out of here"

Im a genius. "I know how to get out, the other day when I i was in the toilet there was a vent above. We can use the system to escape"


We got lost, right now we are wondering around the warehouse like lost mice.

"What are you three doing out your cells"


"Oh, hi Hayden! We was uhm looking for you, yes we was looking for you because we needed to uhm use the toilet" he just looked at me, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"No worries, i still hate you BUT i will help you leave. This place is the worst"

A small smile formed on my face, and the other three matched it.

We all followed him in an awkward silence as he led the way.

"Soooooo....how yall doinnnn?" What is wrong with me. I mentally face palmed when noone answered. "Okayyyy"

"Shush you're just making this more awkward than it has to be" Hayden chuckled.

"At least im trying to start an conversation"

"At least im not a weirdo"

"At least im a civilized human being"

"You are not a civilized person"

"Really? How so?

"Because you're brain is the size of a nut, the only thing you know how to do is throw insults and Because i said so"

"Well sorry mr know-it-all but im pretty sure my brain is bigger than yours"

"Well if im mr know-it-all then i know your brain is tiny"

"Shut up"

"What wrong princess? Cat got your tongue?

"You're a dick"

"And you're a bitch"

"You suck dick"

"And you suck mine"

"Shut up"

"Oh my gosh, do you two always bicker like this?"

"Shut up Layton!" We said  at the same time, i just glared at him and he laughed at me
"I hate you"


After what felt like forever, we arrived at a random door.

"Wait. We cant go out this way. Theres a load of people out there, if we go we'll get shot. Here-"

He handed my phone back"- call someone, preferably Leo and tell him to pick you up or somethin"

"How do you know who Leo is?" Im so clueless right now but i need answers.

"Don of the Italian mafia"

"Holy shit"

"You didnt know?"

"Nope, but why are there so many people out there?"

"They're infiltrating the base to get you, we've been enemies for years so it will make sense they kill everyone but me"


"Im not answering anymore of your questions, call your brothers already. Im going to to sort this out" He left us at the door as i called Leo.


"Hi Leo, can you come pick us up"

"Who's us? Who are you with?"

"Layton and Issiah, Zaheer is a traitor dont trust him"

"I know and im already here just stay inside we're coming"

"Who's we?"

"You'll see"

He ended the call and curiosity filled me.

Why didnt they tell me that they're apart of an illegal organisation? This sketchy shit is getting to my head. I need a rest.

I sat down, my back up against the door and fell asleep.

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