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~ i dont care if you losin, still i fight back~


Unfortunately, today is the day. It is Monday and i have to go to school. Yay! Note the sarcasm. I go to the same school as both of the twins.

This is going to be a living nightmare. I dragged myself to the bathroom picking an acceptable outfit so my scars wont be seen but i will still look good.

I decided on wearing, black jeans,a white top, cropped black denim jacket matched with black and orange nike 270s.

Gotta say ive out done myself today. I was on my way downstairs whilst on the phone i got whilst shopping. And i tripped. Down the stairs.

I shut my eyes tight waiting for impact but it never came.

I opened my eyes revealing my blue orbs, to see the oompa lumpas smirking at me as i hoped out their arms, not bothering to thank them.

"Do you two always wear the same clothes? I can't tell the difference on whos who" Assholes.

They didnt say anything but left for the car with a big smile on their face like they accomplished something.


Finally, we arrived at school, this place was huge. Both oompa lumpas whispered in my ear that they would take me to get my timetable. I find it creey how they say things at the same time.

Making my way down the hallway i got confused stares which followed with whispers.
"Whos she?"

"New whore?"

"They have a sister?"

"No shes adopted"

"That was what Rodrigo said, how do you know its true?" I shut my eyes tight trying to block out their conversations but the shopping event keeps replaying in my head.

Useless bitch
Stupid cunt
You animal
Waste of space
Failed abortion
Adopted rat

My eyes flickered open and I was in a random hallway. Where are the oompa lumpas? No no no i can't be lost. Why would they just ditch me. Pricks.

There was a door to my right so i just marched in hoping it was my class.

"De Luca?"

Thank goodness it was my class. I replied with 'here' and went to go sit in the back left next to this random girl. It was the only available one so i didn't have a choice.

She was talking to the two boys infornt of us. They were kinda cute, but im not going to get ahead of myself.

"Hey, I'm Angela De Luca" i stuck my hand forward hoping to shake hands and surprisingly they did.

"Melissa Iris"

"Elijah Collins"

"Issiah Furore, the De Luca brothers have a sister?" I nodded my head in reponse. And we allowed the math lesson to continue.
"Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Omg Melissa is so nice."sure"


Lunch came around pretty quickly and i have all my lessons with Melissa so ill have no trouble finding my way round.

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