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~it's funny how the thing that made you smile can now make you cry in seconds~


Why is she not answering my calls? I called her phone at least nine times and it went through but on the tenth call it sent me straight to voicemail. If she was grounded she would tell me.

Something aint adding up.

I thought for a while before texting her then heading to her house if she doesnt answer.

Zappa della ciambella 💋(donut hoe)

Where are you?
Why you not answering my calls?
Ciambella answer my messages

She never leaves me one delivered for more than ten minutes unless she's actually busy.

I ended up at her house gate, meeting up with Melissa on the way who was just as confused as me. I texted on the groupchat for everyone to meet at her house.

Stanky hoes💩🙊

Ayo everyone meet at Angela's house
And be fast about it

Xander: kay, but whats going on?

Xavier: alr but Dehlila is comin too

I dont know whats going on just be quick

Xavier: snm

Xander: kay we be fast dw

As you should

Everyone was here within ten minutes except Zaheer and Issiah.

"Wheres Issiah and Zaheer " in the corner of my eye i caught Dehlila tense up at the mention of Zaheer's name. Wonder why.

"Havent heard of them since she was in hospital"


"Me neither"
This is very suspicious. Things aint adding up.
First she ends up in hospital then the other two boys dont show up since then.

They definitely play a part in whatever is going on.

We didnt bother knocking and just marched in. We all went straight to her room while Lila was talking to her brothers.

She wasnt here.

We all ran downstairs to the kitchen where all the voices were coming from.
"Where is she"

All her brothers looked down to the ground at the question i asked.
"I said where is she!?"

"She walked out the house to cool down, she hasnt came back yet nor returning our calls or massages" Alex's answer was reasonable but there was still a piece of the puzzle missing.

"Same with us" i turned to Melissa who mumbled to herself, she seemed lost in her thoughts.

Where are you donut head?

Hayden ~

When we knocked her out, we loaded her straight into the back seat of my fathers car and sped off.

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