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Louis' mouth was hung open. He was speechless... He's nothing this article is trying to portray him.

"A-aron! I didn't cheat on him! It was just a kiss and I didn't- I wasn't supposed- oh my god-" Louis grabs his hair tears streaming down his cheeks he clenched his jaw blaming everything on himself.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" Louis cries in his arms hiding his face. Aaron keeps the phone away he was very angry at his brother, it wasn't like he expected anything nice but still...harry is a dickhead!

"Sshhh Louis don't cry love... We'll talk with the press and try to remove this article. Don't worry!" Aaron tries to comfort Louis who shakes his head "what is the need? Everyone saw this already and look..."

Louis opens the comment section, each everyone was calling names and making him the one to blame in this now.

"Slut! Whore! M-money digger-"

"Stop Louis! You're nothing like these. You're not what they say you heard me!" Aaron says sternly making Louis face him who was breathing heavily tears running down his rosy cheeks.

"You are a beautiful person who tried to be with his husband but in the need got betrayed on...Louis this is not your fault... No matter what people say...who are they to judge you? Who are they to judge your relationship and call you names?"

Louis looks at him with teary eyes panting, Aaron gives him a soft smile and wipes the tears away "no one Louis... They're people they'll talk about it today tomorrow maybe for the next two days but after that... they'll get another story to judge... don't lose hope in life Louis, if there are sad moments then remember happiness is just a step behind this bad time..."

Aaron kisses Louis's forehead who closes his eyes and lets Aaron's words sink into his head. "Are you feeling better now?" Aaron asks and Louis nods wiping his nose with his shirt paws he says "much better, thank y-"

"Stop thanking Louis... I should be the one to apologise. This all happened because of that kiss and I'm so sorry I kissed you without your consent-"

And yes, Louis crashed his lips with Aaron's and Aaron's heart was about to bust out of his chest. The butterflies that felt funny made him sign in relief as Louis' thin lips slowly works on his.

Just moments later he pulls back and looks into those blue eyes the most beautiful ones he saw, "I didn't regret it, Aaron... And you know I won't hesitate to do it again and again...but I just wanna take it slowly...I like you it's not that I have someone-"

Aaron hugs him tightly signing in relief he says "thank you so much for giving me a chance Louis. Trust me I won't let you down."

Louis smiles and hugs him back, "I trust you that's why I'm giving you a chance Aaron." Aaron pulls back smiling big and wipes away louis' wet cheeks "no more tears now okay?"

Louis nods, "yes but first I...wanna talk to a lawyer, about the divorce. Do you know anyone?" Aaron nods and grabs out his phone going to the contacts he says "I'll call him wait."

Louis looks down at his phone, he goes back and deletes the Instagram and keeps his phone. It's up to you which energy you let near you, positive or negative.

"Wait, Aaron... I think I should talk to Anne and Desmond first." Louis says to Aaron who pulls away his phone from his ear and frowns looking at Louis he says "but why? What will you say to them?"

"I'll just... Try to explain the reason I'm divorcing you know..."

"Okay, Louis... we'll do as you say."


Louis takes a deep breath and finally dials Anne's number that he got from Aaron. He waits as the phone rang but no one was picking up.

Louis tries again and this time on the second ring Anne picks up saying, "Hello?"

"U-uh...h-hii Anne!" Louis stuttered not knowing how to start and where to start with. "Who's this?" Right, Louis's number is unknown to her.

"Um..this is Louis..."

There was a little silence on the other before Anne chuckled "Hii Louis, how are you son?" Louis frowns, he thought that Anne still hasn't seen that article. Good sign?

"I'm good Anne, how are you?" He says and he can hear the smile in Anne's voice as she says "I told you this early also call me mom, dear."

Louis takes a deep breath and then says, "actually...mom...I called to say that... I...want a divorce from harry." The silence was between both of them and he thought that Anne hung up but then he heard.

"Why Louis?"

"Mom... I never told you this but...harry doesn't like me at all. He treats me very bad and the reason he gives me is that I'm from a poor background. He says that I'm trying to claim over his money and company but honestly mom I don't want anything from him... except his love...but he's not ready to give me a chance and last night we were in a situation where he accused me of cheating when...."

Louis was trying words to find how to say it, will Anne believe him? Over his son will she believe what Louis will say?

"When what Louis? Please don't hide anything from me, I have already told you this... When you call me mother...take me as a mother and say what's in your heart and what's truth dear..."

Louis takes a deep and shaky breath and closes his eyes saying the truth, "he saw me and Aaron kiss......"

He heard silence from the other end so he decided to continue, "it was just in the moment and I swear I didn't want to ruin his reputation or something but he...he blamed everything on me and made me the bad guy..."

Still, there was silence, " Anne what do you think I should do now?...am I the bad guy in this?"

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