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Harry stops in his place and looks at her with a blank face. "Kendall, this is not a time to joke!"

"I'm not joking. I am pregnant with your child!" She says and he closes his eyes "Kendal...we can be pregnant with a 'child' only, have you seen anyone get pregnant with a banana? No that's not possible but it is not impossible too- or is it?"

Kendall's jaw clenched and she grabs Harry's shirt' collar and yells in his face, "STOP SPEAKING NONSENSE! I'M THE MOTHER OF YOUR GODDAMN CHILD HARRY! YOU'RE GONNA BE A FUCKING FATHER, YOU UNDERSTAND IT?"

Harry's eyes widened and he opens his mouth to speak but closes it again, "m-me? Are you sure it's mine?"

Kendal moves back and rolls her eyes, "of course you idiot! I haven't let anyone touch me except you after that Gala night."

Harry frowns looking away from her face, "but we only did it one time and I remembered clearly we used protection... Then how is it... possible?"

Kendall's face turned into a blank expression, "Harry, are you telling me I'm lying to you? Are telling me that I'm a fucking liar?"

Harry shakes his head, "no no no! I didn't say that. I'm just asking you...is it confirmed? Did you go to the doctor?"

Kendal nods and grabs some papers from the coffee table that Harry didn't see and pushes them in Harry's face "see!"

Harry goes to grab it but Kendal moves it away keeping it back in its place she says, "what else proof do you need harry?"

Harry looks at her, "uh... Okay..." She blinks staring at his face, "okay? Okay, what? I tell you you're the father of my child and you're saying 'okay'? What is wrong with you?"

Harry shakes his head rubbing his eyes he says, "look Kendal it's quite late now, we'll talk about it tomorrow. Good night." With that, he leaves and goes to his bedroom locking the door he falls on his bed.

He grabs a pillow and stuffs his face in it,

"I'm so fucking fucked up..."


Louis giggled as he felt light kisses over his cheeks and jaw. He turns to cuddle the person next to him without opening his eyes. He snuggles his face in Aaron's chest.

"You were watching me sleep again right?" Louis mumbles in his chest and felt vibrations when Aaron chuckled. "I can't help it, you look so pretty while sleeping."

Louis opens his eyes and looks up at Aaron, "am I less pretty when I'm awake?" Aaron smiles and shakes his head "no lou, you look even prettier when you're awake... like a flower."

Louis blushes and hides his face back in Aaron's chest mumbling "stop making me blush with these cheeky compliments, Aaron."

Aaron smiles and hugs him close kissing the top of Louis's head he says, "I want to take you somewhere today. It's Sunday so let's not waste time and explore Italy?"

Louis nods and sits up stretching his arms he says, "yeah, you know yesterday desmond called when you were at work."

Aaron sits up as well, "what was he saying?" Louis looks at him "he was...asking when I'll join back to work." Aaron frowns and shakes his head "no way you're going there to work."

"I...I can't do anything Aaron, I have already signed a year contract I can't withdraw back, I can't mix my personal life with work. And Desmond said that harry won't trouble me anymore, he actually...is with Kendall."

Aaron signs, "I'm not stopping you from working but you know it's Harry... What if he tries to hurt you?" Louis smiles and shakes his head "he can't hurt me, I'm strong I can defend myself and also bebe will be there with me I talked to her yesterday, she's missing me a lot and I miss her too."

Aaron chuckles when he saw a pout on Louis's face. "Don't worry lou, we'll leave for London tomorrow. My shoot is already over I'm free for some months now."

Louis smiles nodding "I can't wait to get back to work tho it was only been two days since I've worked there, I miss it!" Aaron nods smiling.

"I can understand Louis."

"But wait, Aaron, where will I live?" Louis asks frowning, he can't go back to Harry's house now. Aaron chuckles and holds his hands saying "with me in my lonely house."

"No Aaron I can't-"

"Louis, will you do the honour to make my lonely house a home by staying with me?" Aaron asks and Louis giggles covering his mouth, "Aaron you're so sweet! But honestly, I don't wanna be a burden on you..."

"You're not a burden on me. When I'm asking you to stay with me, I want you to accompany me to my house. I've been living alone since I was eighteen and I needed a housemate more like a partner...if you want." Aaron says softly the last line making Louis smile.

"Yea... but remember what I said.."

"Take it slow and I'm ready for it. Now let's get ready for the day!"



"How do I look, Aaron?" Louis turns to face Aaron who was buttoning up his shirt, he looks up at Louis and smiles "you look cute Louis!"

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"How do I look, Aaron?" Louis turns to face Aaron who was buttoning up his shirt, he looks up at Louis and smiles "you look cute Louis!"

Louis pouts "you already say 'cute' when I try to look handsome or hot!" He complains and Aaron chuckles shaking his head he walks toward Louis.

"You look good in anything Louis, trust love even if you wear a ripped old tee you'll look like a model... Well, you are one!" Aaron says and chuckles when he saw a light blush coating Louis's cheeks.

"Thanks, Aaron, now let's go."

"Yup- and before you ask, no I'm not going to tell you where we're going...you gotta wait and see hmm?" Louis pouts but nods at Aaron's words and follows him out of the room.

"I hope it's something scary."

"It won't be scary cause harry isn't going to be there!" Louis laughs and wears his shoes after Aaron is done they both left to explore the city.

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