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It all started in the allywhay. Where
Dabi was waiting for Hawks, to give him a mison."Your late...again" Dabi said anoyed "Don't bite my head Dabi,i had a meeting" Dabi just roled his eys."I don't care" Dabi sad loking at Hawks,Dabi crossed his arms over his chest. And simply said " get info abot UA student's...go't it"Dabi said
seriously "And don't mess it up" Hawks just noded and flew away. Dabi did not understand why bird brain was so quit, allways he started small talks, but this time he did not say a word. Dabi  just went to the base where LOV was staing.

2 weeks late
Dabi POV

I went outside, it was 12 am and the streets where empty. It was raining but not heavy. I tried not to think what hapent at Yakuza but memories that happened there was not so easy to forget.


I was in dark room I had quirk suppressing cuffs on I cold't juse my quirk, I did not know were I was, last thing I remembers I was with Overhaul and then it whent all dark.
I heard door opening then there was footsteps "finally you woke up" sad a familiar voice that belong's to Overhaul " wher am I?" I qustened " what do you whant from me?" I said angrily I whanted to burn that fucker. Overhaul did't respond I did't see anything becaus I was blainfolded but I fealt that Overhaul bend over and started kissing me  Kai torned my closes of "WTF are you doing you fuck?" I shouted
but Kai remaind qouit Overhoul fliped me on my bely and I scremed. Kai whent into me whitout prep or lube "STOP IT HURTS" I scremed. I felt blood flow down my tight. I cold't spek becous I was gaged. I did't know  how long it last but when I  woke I was in ally whay.

End of flasback

I started crying then i hear footsteps when i turned around ther was  Hawks. "Are you okay" he looke at me as  if he cares" I' m fine....what do you whant Hero?" I sad anoyed. He walked closer to me and my instingts scremet at me to run but I did't move a moscel "Why are you crying?" Hawks asked steping closer.
The rain is starting to rain harder and we both are soaked wet."I'm not crying ,answer my question" I sad anoyed but he just smiled, I started shaking what's wrong with me " What did...." everything whent blury and I hit the ground, last thing i saw was Hawks smirk and then everything whent black.

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