Hawks in a rut DAY 2

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Dabi pov

I woke up and looked at clock it was 7 AM in the morning. Hawks was still sleeping. I went to the  shower.I undressed and checked to see if the water was at right temperature and got inside. ' How long does the  rut last?' I thought to myself.

I felt someone touching my shoulder "Aaaahh" I screamed "HAWKS WTF" I screamed at him.

He wrapped his hand's around my waist and he stared at me  like a predator. "Can you help me?" "emm I-I....answer to this question first then....I will...help you  with your p-problem" "and that would be..?" I took a deep breath "how.... how long does your rut last?"He giggled and answered " one week......now on your knees" I kneeled in front of him he runed his taloned fingers throuth my hair "open your mouth raven" I didn't move "do you trust me?" he questioned "y-yes" "then open your mouth...I will not hurt you" I opened my mouth and he pushed his cock in my mouth and started to move I grabbed his tight to hold on. I choked on his cock and he pulled out " are you okay" he asked "yes" "okay.....your hands " he said and I started to strok him still I was on my knees "Fuck" he moaned "Y-you now...it's just start of my rut...ah it will get worse"he said and I started to shiver from fear and now from cold wather ran down my back."open y-your m-mouth mhhggg" I did that and he started to fuck my mouth "fuck fuck fuck ahhhh" he came in my mouth but he didn't let go of my head "swallow" I didn't have a choice I did what he asked me to do. He pulled out and said "good boy".

He piked me up and dried me off. We ate breakfast and Hawks went to our bedroom.Snowfur looked at me and meowed "sorry sweeti I forgot to feed you" I gave her the cat food and cleaned the dishes and went up stairs to find Hawks. I will not lie I like him little bit.

He wasn't in the bedroom but then I heard some thing from batroom.I knoked on bathroom door "Hawks are you okay?" there was silencs "I'm okay" he growls "are you sure about that?"The door opens and he  grabs my wrists and kisses them "I want you...soo bad"
" wanna fuck you till you can't walk" I tried to get out of his grip but he tightened his hold "what's wrong....don't be scared,I will no't hurt you I promise pinky swear" he let go of my wrists and give his pinky I wrap my pinky around his. He looks at me and smiled. ' Is he purring?' then his expression changes to annoyed and he went to the bathroom again and slamed door sut but didn't lock it.

It was like 11 AM and I'm bored. Hawks is still in the room."I need paper, pencils and music but it all is in the bedroom ther is Hawks who is  craiziy now" I sigh.

I went up stairs tok a deep breath and knocked " Hawks can I come in?" no ansver 'maby hes sleaping' I slowly opened the door and he was not in the bed "okay" I went to find what I needed paper,hedphones and phon which Hawks have give me but I could not find pencils. I heard bathroom door opened I ran out fast and closed door behind me "that was close" door kreked open a little "what did you whant?" Hawks said in annoed "I just wanted to draw that is all but I didn't find pencils" I turned around and looked at him" wait here"he said and closed the door I waited a while then door opens again "here" he give me the  pencils" thanks" he  looks at me for a moment then again closes door.
I went to the kitchen and started drawing.

(Time skip to 7 pm)

I am making dinner "Hawks you need to eat" I call for him from the kichen. No answer.I finis making diner chiken with rise I put in it in a plate and went upstairs I knok on the door "Hawks I will come in" no answers again I opened the door. He was in the bed I went to nightstand and put the plate down there. He rolled over and looks at me like his prey "please eat some t-thing.....if you need some thing call me...okay" all this time he didn't look away from me. I ate my dinner when I finish eating I put the plate in sink and whent to wach TV.I fell asleep watching some kind movie.

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