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Dabi pov

I finished the dishes but on the way to bedroom I heard someone banging on the bedroom window. "fuck" I cursed quietly 'whitout my quirk i cannot protect myself' I went to the kitchen and I took a knife to protect myself and went back I reach for the handle and opened the door the banging did not stop I crack open the door to see.....nothing in the room I opened door completely and entered the room I looked at the window and did't see anything but banging contiuned. I went to the window and saw a kitten on sidewalk and it was tied and one boy was holding the string and sekond boy was hiting the poor kitten whit a branch. The knife fell out of my hands as I started to bang at the window and the tow boys ran away and the kitten was still there.

"I need to help that kitten" I said to my self and I ran down the stairs. I tride to open the door but the door was locked.
I started crying and went to kitchen door and I opend it and ran to the
sidewalk and took the kitten and run back to the house.
Little poor thing was bleding I went to bathroom.


I bathed the kitten and wrraped it in the towel so it woldn't be cold

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I bathed the kitten and wrraped it in the towel so it woldn't be cold. The kitten was white with blue eys. All this time the kitten was crying and I was crying too. I sat in the bed "it will be okay..' sob' ..I will protekt you" I said then I fell a sleap with the kitten.

Hawks pov

I was at meeting when my phone started buzzing in my pocket I ignord it 3min later meeting ended and I looked at my phone and it was alarm that someone tried to get out of the house ( or in the house) "Shit" I cursed.
When I got to home door was still closed that was good I unlocked the door and locked them behind me "Dabi" no response I heard a noise in the kitchen I quickly when there and the door was open " fuck I forgot to lock that door"
I went to search him.

It was about 12:00 at night when i got home from the search i couldn't find him anywhere. I then went to my room and when I turned the light on Dabi was sleeping in bed."Hawks what time it is?" He asked I was so happy I cold not ever move " I was looking for you evrywhere.....I thought you ran away" I went and hug him tightly and kiss him but he immediately pulled away. Behind Dabi I saw some thing white and fluffy "What is that?" Dabi loked at it and piked it up it was kitten " I foun it two boys was hiting her a-and I skered them awhay and I could't let her d-die there" Dabi was crying now I huged him and kissed his head. Dabi clamed down.

"I can take her to a shelter to find her a home there"I said " want to keep her"Dabi said "I.....fine you can keep the kitten"Dabi sat the kitten on the bed and huged me and  I huged him back "thank you Hawks" I was happy my raven was still at home happy "but" I said and Dabi loked at me whit woried look on his prety face "I name the kitten ok" I said Dabi smiled at me "ok" Dabi huged me agan it was so peaceful "her's name will be ...Snowfur".

"I'm hungry" Dabi said and went to kitchen I was sitting in bed and laughing.When I stopped laughing I lay in the bed and fell a sleep.

Dabi pov

I went back up stairs to ask Hawks if he wants anything but when I walked in the room he was asleap. I covered him with a blanket and layed on the other side of the bed and snowfur was laying at ours feet and curled up in a lump.
"Good night Hawks"I said and fell a sleep too.

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