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Hawks pov

I woke up and felt much, much better the rut is ended and tomorrow job. It is 11AM in the morning.
I went to bathroom to do my morning routine (brush teeth, shower....) I changed in red hudy and black jens I opened my rooms door and heard "meow" Snowfur was sitting at my rooms door and meowing I crouched down to pet her but she immediatley ran down stairs " didn't Dabi feed her?" I said to my self. I went down stairs there is no one in the living room and kitchen to 'maby hes in guest room I hope'
I gev Snowfur hers food I went to get Dabi but when I opened guest rooms door he wasn't there "shit".
I went to search for Dabi.

Non pov

Dabi is sound asleap when woman in black cape went over to him and put a child beside him and put an arm on Dabis head and then went away.
Now in Dabis mind was one thing to get out of the building why no one knows.
Dabi took the child in his arms and ran out of the building and in an alleyway.

Hawks is searching for Dabi about 2 hours. Now he is walking in on of the alleyways when he spots some move ment. Hawks slowly approched to not scear no one "hello?" Hawks question when he got closer there was Dabi sitting against wall and holding some thing in dirty blanket "Dabi" Hawks said quaitly to not scear raven head. Dabi looks at Hawks whit sceard expression and said "p-please d-don't hurt u-uus" 'us what did he men us' when Hawks was about to ask Dabi what he ment by us Dabi started to trembel "It h-hurts" Dabi wispers Hawks saw how much he is in pain he carefully lifted Dabi in bright style and flew to home.

Hawks flew them home in 10 min sening Dabi in so much pain Hawks carried Dabi to their bedroom and lays Dabi down "Dabi what hurts. Say too me baby what's wrong" Hawks said worried.
Dabi din't ansver he passed out from pain.

Hawks put him under the blanket and took from Dabis arms the dirty blanked to see what's in it.

Hawks pov

I put the dirty blanket on the bed I lifted one side of the blanket I was in shok at me was looking tow emerald green eyes
and then the horrible smell I ran out of the room to not puk and I heard the bay crying "oh shit" I walked in the room I held my breath and took the bay too guest room to not bother Dabi.
I took my wallet and went to the store to buy pampers.

Dabi pov

I Didn't bother to look around becaus I know were I'm. I heard loud crying I climed out of bed and went were the crying come from I opened guest rooms door and on the bed was laying a baby crying its eyes out "you poor thing " I went over to comfort the baby and I ignored the smell (Dabi just lovs children in this story)

The guest rooms door open and Hawks steps in and when he looked at me he stood their mouth opend "Hawks whats wrong?" he closed his mouth and walks over to me I took the baby in my arms and stept away from him "Hawks whats wrong answer me damit" I hit the wall and slide down the wall to sit down I pulled the baby closer to my chest.
Hawks was in front of me he croch in my eye level he put his arm on my cheak and wiped my tears I didn't even know I was crying "Dabi?" Hawks said in like a queston " y-yes..pleas don't hurt us" "shhhh I won't " Hawks huged us bouth.

When I calm down I pulld myself up and went over to the bed I heard Hawks runing to the batroom to puke "ehhh guys" I started to chang the diaper I took of the old one I wiped of hers butt and put on baby powder on hers butt and flower Hawks came in the room "Kei it's a girl" He was looking at me like he saw a ghost "why are you looking at me like that?" "just come to the batroom" I put on the new diaper and whent to batroom Hawks was following me "look in the mirror" I look in the mirror and "AAAAAAAA WHAT HAPPENED TO ME" I screamed my all scars was gone my hair was still black but I had Cat ears and cat tail and my eyes was difrent to they were like a cat but were was white there now is black.

"Dabi clam down" I pressed my hand to my side feeling abnormal pain and something wet I lifted my hand up and ther was blood. Hawks saw that and immediately turned me around and lifted my T-shirt up bandages is soaked in blood "we need to deal with this problem first"

Hawks cerfuly tok of my t-shirt and cerfuly tok of bandages. Stitches was rept open "shit....okay" Hawks said putting a towel on the floor and carefully laid me on the towel "okay.... put it in your mouth sorry but it will hurt" he gave me my t-shirt I put in my mouth and waited for Hawks to start.

Non pov

Dabi lays there and waits to Hawks begin
"Okay I will start" "take a deep breath for me ok" Dabi takes a deep breath and "mhhhmmmm" screams are mufeled by t-shirt in his mouth " I know it hurts but you have to breath" Dabi nods. Tears ar spilling out of Dabis eyes like waterfall
"It will be soon can do it" "mhmmmm" Dabi's hands are gripped as tightly as he can on the towel on which he lies on top.

"I finished I only need you klean you little bit and wrap bandages around.....and then you can tell me what happened and figure out why you are......emmm......a....neko".

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