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Dabi pov

I woke in a bed and my head hurt's as hell my whole body was sore I did't wana move but I had to figure out were I was.


On my wrist was quirk suppressants

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On my wrist was quirk suppressants.  I started to panic I couldn't breathe. I fell out of the bed and I tried to calm my breathing but I couldn't all memories about what Overaul did to me began to return then I heard door opening I did't see, everything is blurry and tears began to flow down my cheeks. I was so sceard. "It's okay you are safe here" when I looked up ther was golden eys staring at me "Hawks...where am I.......what do you whant from me?" I sobed,  he took me and put me in the bed he sat next to me and he hugged me
"GET OF me" I trid to get out of his grib but he was to strong. "It's is Okay you are safe hear" he sad calmly "now sleep" I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and then everything then black.

When I open my eys I felt somone holding me I started trashing around to get out of the grip but he  tightened his grip arond my wrists and waist as he waited for me to exhaust myself." It's all okay prety raven i will no't hurt you take deep breath" I clamed down "what... do you want... from me?"
I was so scerd I was saking allot "Shhhhh.... it's all okay" then Hawks kissed my shoulder "this will be your new home" I started paniking again "WHAT nononono" I started crying again Hawks started kissing my neck and suking he moved his arms to my belt and then I jumped out of the bed and run to the door but no luck doors are closed Hawks grabbed me by my waist" No i don' t wan't to will hurt.....pleas don't" I was so sceard i did't know what to do."It's okay I will not hurt you.... I did't ment to scear you I'm sorry" Hawks huged me. Then I kicked him in the bools and tried to get out of ther if I had my quirk then I would burn this whole building to the ground. Next thing I know I was against the door " YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE THIS PLACE" Hawks said threateningly then i felt a sting on my cheek he slap me next moment I was trown on the bed he tide my wrists, he then tore my clothes in half.

Hawks pov

When I left Dabi he was sleaping. I had a long day at the work some time's I hate my job.When I went to my room were my lover was stajing. I opened the door  I was shocked Dabi was bleading his clothes was torn apart when he saw me

He tried to get away from me but his arms and legs were tied up."Don't...please" he said so quietly  I allmost did't hear "I won't hurt you...what hapend,who did it?" I sad steping closer "Y-you" I froze in place....what did he just say.

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