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Dabi pov

I told Hawks everything I knew and what happened "Sorry I didn't wanna scear you" " Mhm" we sat in silence for few minutes.
'Crying' I picked up Hitomi in my arms "shhh don't cry" I got up of bed and walked around the room. When she clamed down I sat back on bed Hawks is staring at me like...I don't know like Hawks "what" he looks at me for few seconds and got up and walks to door "were are you going?" " to call an orphanage"

'WAIT WHAT' I stod up holding Hitomi in my arms "KEIO NO YOU WILL NOT TAKE HITOMI AWAY FROM ME NOT AGAIN" I yelld at him tears in my eyes and Hitomi started crying again. He stod there " shhhh it's ok shhh"
"Explain to me now" Hawks said in scary toon "P-please clam down and sit down I will explain b-but clam do-down" "sorry I don't know what came ower me " he went ower to bed and sat down. I sat on floor with my daughter.

" When I changed hers diaper I saw a scar on hers leg ....I thing shes hit by quirk like me now she neds to be 4 years old and look diffrent here's eyes were blue not emerald green eyes and hers hair was red not black and she didn't have wings".( Toya now is 17 and he went missing when he was 14) "i will find out who did it to you and watewer it is reversible" that mens " you will not take her from me..right?" If he tries I will kill him "no. But what did you mean again was she taken away from you and how old are you?" I started crying I'm so happy. I stood up and with one arm I hug him " thank you thank you thank you" I sobd in his solder I felt that he puls me in his lap and hugs me.

I clam down "Her dad tried to take her from me he had scissors and tried to stab me but he accidentally cut Hitoni's leg when she was two month old he took her away and I never saw her again" Hawk rubed my back to comfort me "that's horobol... that mens-" "yes I have second quirk.....and I'm 17".
We stayed like that for a while when Hawks questioed " who...is the...father???" I stayed quiet I didn't wanna say who is  the father but I don't know why but I said it "Endeavor"

Hawks pov

"Endeavor" 'what did he just sai THAT MOTHER FUKER HE JOUSED HIS OWN SON LIKE A TOY HES SOOOO FUKING DEAD' I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a slap on my face but not hard "Hawks do you hear me?" I look at him"yes yes and yes I hear you I was just thinking".

I laid my head on top of his head we had a peaceful moment when again the child started crying "Why is she crying again?" Toya's ears turns sideways he is nervous or anxious about something he tried to clam down the baby "shhhh don't cry please don't cry" I turned Toya's head gently to look at me "what she wants?" I saw that he anxious "she wants to eat b-but we don't have anything to feed her"
"Make a list what I need to buy"

When Toya finished the list I whent to store to buy everything when I got back to home it was already 3pm.
I open the door I already hears crying I went up stairs to our room "I'm back" Toya looks at me desparet "Thenks" He put baby on bed and looks in bag "can you heat the water please" "of course" I went down stairs to heat the wather. Touya walks into the kitchen with a bottle and milk formula.

My Raven is sitting in bed with me and feeding...."Whats her name was???" he didn't take his eyes from her "Hitomi" and again silens I didn't touch him because I see by his ears that he is not comfortable.

I look at my hands "are you sceard of me that I will take her from you" I felt that hes is looking at me "I-......I know that you will not take her from me but still" I fellt that some thing in me breaks "you don't trust me-" "no no no I trust you but.....all thos dreams what I have seen this past week is scaring me"

"And I think I-I like you" I felt a smile pull on my lips "what?" I wanna hear that again "I- you stop teasing" I saw a blusk spread across Toyas cheeks I giggle.

Snowfur jump in bed and stared at Hitomi whit curiously. Snowfur now is much bigger when first time I saw her "Snowfur come here" Toya mosened her to come closer and she listend to him. Snowfur cerfuly smell her and pressed her muzzle to her nose and began to purr and lies between me and Toya.

Non pov

Toya looks at Hawks "Do you...." Hawks looks confused. Toya sigh "do you wanna hold her?" yea sure" Toya put Hitomi in his arms and Hitomi started babbling in baby language"she like you" Hawks smile was soooo wide and real not fake like when he's around people and giving them fake smile
"I will go make diner".

All ate there diner and it is now 8 pm Hitomi is sleeping on their bed pillows around that she don't fall of bed Hawks and Toya is waching TV and Hawks one arm is around Toyas shoulder.
"You mensed nightmares what kind of nightmares you see?" Hawks asked not pulling his geiz away from TV.
Hawks look at him when he dosn't answer Toyas ears is little bit sideways Hawks took Toyas face in his hands "hey...you can tell me evry thing" Toya look in his eyes and said " you are the first person who I have look in eyes and they are beutiful" Hawks cheeks painted red. Hawks put his hands away and looks away "thenks"

"It's already 9pm we should go to sleep today was a long day and tomorrow I have to woke up at 5AM and we don't know how will Hitomi sleep" Hawks said seeing Toya yawning "Okay"

They changed in some thing more comfortable Toya in big size T-shirt and some red shorts whit hole in them for his tail and Hawks only in black shorts when Toya wanted to climb in bed "we ned to first change those bandages first then you can go to bed" Toya vent to batroom and took of his t-shirt of and unreped the old bandages "let me see. Does it hurts?" Toya yawn"no" "good" Hawks put on new bandages and they went to bed and cerfully climbed in to not wake up Hitomi Toya on right side of bed and Hawks on left side of bed and Hitomi and Snowfur in middle "good night" yawn "night" and Toya fell a sleep immediately but Hawks adored his future family and fell asleap too.

It was like 12AM when Toya and Hawks woke up Hitomi "Hawks were did you put diapers?" Toya asks Hawks "in blaksjwi" Murmured the last part " what spek klerly I don't under stand" "batroom" gez It was so hard to say it" Toya rold his eyes.
Picked up Hitomi and went to bathroom to change diapers Toya looks in the mirror 'I look like me but with black hair and cat tail and ears' I put Hitomi to sleep again and went back to bed with her.

Hitomi woke up them again "It's 3 in the morning" Hawks said "ehhhh she wants to eat" Hawks send his fethers to kichen too get the milk "don't go wait" soon the fethers caried botel whit millk to Toya "thenks go to sleap I got this" "I know"
Hawks turned to face a wall and fell a sleep.

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