Secret is out

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Non pov

"Villain Dabi no were seen " said Kamui Woods " There are tow options is he dead or he is hiding and planing how to brake out the LOV" said Mirko. Hawks is glaring at Endeavor and trying to keep him self in check and not to rip of his head.

"Hawks are you okay? You are glaring at Endeavor all day" wisper Ryuko Hawks turns his head and smile at her " I'am just thinking that's all" ' how to prove what he has done' Hawks said to him self.

"Endeavor I have one question" Hawks is watching evry Endeavor movement " and it is" Hawks smirks "I heard that you have another son Toya.Is that thru?" Endeavor's ekspresyon didn't caing "yes,but hes dead" when Hawks wanted to say some thing else his phone rings 'Who is cal-' " I have to answer this" Hawks excused him self and walks out of meating room "yes is evry thing okay?" Hawks asks worried "evry things okay I just wanted to ask If -if sorry for interrupting you it's nothing sorry" "To-" pip pip pip he hung up.

I went back in meating room and they were discussing about Dabi. I sigh screw it "Did you know"all of them turnd to look at me "That Dabi is your dead son...Toya and he have daughter but they both were hit with a quirk and now they look diffrent " he looks like he has seen a ghost "Hawks how do you know that?" Rumi asks " oh wonderful queston"Hawks said smilding but then he said in dark sceary voice "he told me..everything this past month and evrything what he told me was horobol and why he become a villan" everyone's mouths were open wide"wait is he with you?" asks Edgeshot "yes" "Hawks you betrayd us... you have to go to jail" Hawks laughed
"Are you scard I know the truth"
all of them is so confused "don't lisen to that traitor "traitor? Me" Hawks put his hand over his heart and made a face of hurt " WHO ABUSED HIS FAMILY AND RAPED HIS SON" Hawks yelld at him.

Hawks finally can get out his anger "You even took her away his daughter oh sorry you took away your daughter when she was only tow months old" From nowere appeard police and Erasure Head"Take him to jail now" he order. Endeavor did not even fight back "Todoroki told me what is happening in that house" Erasure Head explained "That means Hawks is telling the truth" said Kamui Woods "but still why is Dabi with you and Erasure did he manson rape???" Miraku asked standing up "who did he rape and no" Erasure Head said in angry ton "He rape his oldest son Toya and he was pregnant with his daughter and he took her away from him whe she was two months old"Hawks explianed. Erasure Head expression is 'I don't care if I go to jail because I murdered No.1 hero'

"Can I and detectiv Tsukauchi speak whit him?" Hawks thought about it "if you don't hurt him then yes"
"We will not do any thing to him we promise"Hawks is looking at him for a a while and said "okay you can go to my hause and speak with him".

Dabi pov

I put Hitomi to sleep and heded down stairs to do some cleaning "Toya we need to talk" I heard Hawks calling for me "Y-yes. Why are you so early home?" I went over to him "good news or bad news" he asks me I cross my arms over my chest "good news first "Endeavor is in jail your brother Shoto told evrything to Aizawa" I'm witout words "It's not a joke right" he smiles at me and shakes his head. I ran to him and wrapt my arms around his neck "finallyyy" I let him go and ask "and bad news?" "I told them evrything what you told me and now Aizawa and Tsukauchi wana to talk with you and they are out side now" I wanted to say some thing but he put his hand on my mouth " and they can't hurt you"

Hawks went to the door to let them in.
I started to panic and ran up stairs to Hitomi.

Non pov

When Hawks turned around Toya was gone "I will go and get him" Hawks went up stair and Aizawa and Tsukauchi went to living room " omg they have a cat" Aizawa said. "Toya don't be scard they will only ask couple questions that's all"
Toya is holding Hitomi in his arms "They will not take her from me right" "No they will not" Toya put down Hitomi and put around her pillows.

Tsukauchi and Aizawa is sitting on couch they both turnd around "I understand that Hawks is exsplained to you why we are hear" Tsukauchi said Toya nodes. In Aizawas lap is sleeping Snowfur.
"Alright then we can start questioning then" Toyas ears sprung up when he heard crying "I will go to her if I will need you I will call you" Toya went to sit down on mini couch and is playing with his fingers nervously.

( Tsukauchi , Aizava, Toya)

"Toya Todoroki is your real name?"
"Wich name you prefer we call you?"
" Toya how..old are you?"
"....17 years old"

' he's so yong'

"What Hawks told us is true. That your father aboused you and your sibling and reap you"

"And thats why you beacom a villan?"


"We know that you have daughter....How old is she ?"
"Now she would be 4 but she got hit by a quirk like me and now she's only one month old"
"WAIT YOU HAD HER WHEN YOU WERE 14" Aizawa yells out.

"How did you and Hawks meet?"
"If you don't wanna tell us it's okay he forcing you like do some thing you don't wanna li-"

"From start when I- woke up in this place he didn't let me out of her but then I didn't have place to go becaus the LVO is in jail...but some one pretend to be Hawks one time and she- she tied me to bed and-" 'sob' Toya started to cry

" How did Hawks react to it? And did you know who did it to you?"

"Keigo wanted protect me and he felt guilty that he wasn't at home when that hapend
And yes"

"And..she is?" Toya dried his tears and clamd down taking couple deep breaths.

"Toga Himiko"

Toya stand up and went up stairs.
"Yesss finally I did it" Hawks cheers up "what did you do" Toya asks walking in the room "I changed diapers finally"

"Hello" Tsukauchi said entering in the room and Aizawa too still holding Snowfur "I-It wasn't the firs time" Toya said and crys in Hawks chest. Hawks wrapt his arm around him " What happend" Toya lifted his head to speek "O-overhoul w-was the fi-first" Hawks stood ther confused "how do you know that is Toga?" Tsukauchi asks 'sob' "I heard here talking to him b-but t-the second t-time w-when she was H-hawks I first thought that he's lying to me but now I kn-know t-that he will never do n-notting l-like that ne-never"

"Now we have evidence he will not be able to challenge and seat Endeavor for a long time"Tsukauchi said.
Hitomi started to cry wanting hers mama.
Toya went over to her and picks her up and starts to walk around the room " I know what will you say that he can't have her butttt I can. I have all papers done".

"Right. We will go now...but Toya we will see what to do about you" Tsukauchi said and with Aizawa went to his car and drov away

"Why didn't you say anything about that about Hitomi" looking at Hawks for an answer. "I had to do it fast or they cold take Hitomi from y- you" Toya is looking at Hawks with tears in his eyes "Thanks you" Toya said and hugs Hawks with one hand and of corse Hawks hugs him back with big smile on his face.

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