Hawks in a rut DAY 5

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Dabi pov

I felt sharp pain in the back off my neck I tried do get away but he was holding me so tight that I barely could breathe.
He licked the bite and removed his hand of my mouth "you pr-promised me t-that you will not hurt me" I was now crying "shhhhh....sorry you are not ready to have sex with me I had no chose....shhhh don't cry It's all okay sweet raven...sorry I had no choice".
I saw movement and from shadows someone stept out "Hawks l-let me go H-HAWKS" I tried to get out of his grip but he is too stron. There he stood looking at me and smirking "Hawks you know what to do".

I woke up I start to panic were was I. Then I remembered what happened. I looked at my waist and it is bandaged up.

"Hello someone is hear?" I listen to someone to answer but no reply.
I stood up and look around the apartment it was clean but no one was there.I went back to couch and layed down and fell asleep.

Toga pov

I sat in 1a klass room and waited to the lesson beginning. No one has seen me sneak out nor sneak back in.
The bell rangd and Mr Aizawa went in the class room and begin the lesson 'sooooooo boooooorrrriiiiiinnnnggg'.

Non pov

Dabi slept whole day, Hawk's sat in his room wrapped in blankets.

In next day nothing changes Dabi looked around the apartment to see is there somon or some thing too eat but nothing and slept all day again and Hawks hoped the day will end soon and rut too and Toga.....she tried to get Izuku to date her.

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