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It was fun to play with Dabi.

Hawks pov

"W-what.......all this time I was at work"
I approached Dabi and untied his legs and wrists. On Dabi's legs and wrists  there now is  bloody scars Dabi just clsed his eys and did not say a word. "Dabi pleas talk to me... who did this to you?" Dabi said nothing. Who cold do this to his lover he wanted to protekt him not hurt him. I went to bathroom and took the first aid kit. I tried to ask him again but he did't respond.I bandaged his wrists and legs as he stared at the wall.

In the morning I went to my room.. Dabi wasn't in the bed "Dabi" I call him no answer "Dabi...were ar you...please  come out". Then I heard a sound. He was in my closet. He was trembled it is clear that he has been crying all night poor things eys are red."Hey..." He looks at me with fear in his eyes and my heart breaks into a million pieces " Who did this to you...?"
"Y........you"what how I was at work all day. It means that someone had broken into my house and pretended to be me
"Hey...someone pretended to be me and hurt you" I wanted to kill who did this to my lover "Ple-please l-leave m-m-me alone" he said quietly.

3rd person pov

Hawks loked at Dabi in the eys and just sad "okay" and left Dabi alone.
The next day Hawks tried to get Dabi to eat something." Please eat.....then we can talk" Dabi just stared at the food "W-why...am'I hear?"Dabi simply said"because I love you....I took you because you would be injured in a fight or worst case, killed or in prison I don't want that"Hawks sad sadly Dabi was playing with his fingers and remained silent.

Week later

(Dabi wears red hoody and grey sweters)
Dabi was in the room sat in the corner of the room and hugged the toy cat that Hawks had bought for him to not be lonly when his at work.
"Hey my beautiful raven...how are you?" Hawks was in his hero costume still "I'm f-fine....how w-was at w-work going?" this is the first time Dabi asked how he was doing "...good...are you hungry?"Dabi noded. Hawks picked up  Dabi and went to kitchen were Hawks sat down Dabi on of the chairs.


In Dabi was still holding  that black and white cat whit blue eys "how did you name it?" Hawks asked curiosity Dabi did not  answer

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In Dabi was still holding  that black and white cat whit blue eys "how did you name it?" Hawks asked curiosity Dabi did not  answer. Hawk continued to make breakfast "Blueberry" Hawks stoped doing what he was doing "....what.." Hawks asked not understanding what his sweetheart meant by that Dabi just stared at the table "...I..named it...B-blueberry" Dabi sad shyly "....oh"

Dabi pov

I held blueberry close to me. I did't want put her down becaus she comforted me. Hawks is making rice whit chicken I think. " Dabi put down blueberry then we can eat" Hawks said
I shook my head 'No' " sweetheart... how do you think to eat that you are holding  blueberry?" I did't lisen to him I just shut my eyes close and I held even tighter to the blueberry. I heard Hawks sigh." you have to eat.......put it down" I put Blueberry on the ground next to me. Hawks put the bowl in fron of me and he sat next to me and we ate in silence.

"Wash the dishes this time love I have to hurry to the meeting" Hawks said he then  approached me and kissed my cheek "Love you until the evening" he said and then he jumped off the balcony. Finally i could relaxs.

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