My happy ending

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Dabi pov

I'm making breakfast when I felt two pairs of hand wrap around my waist "Good morning Love whaca making" I finally Keigo has day of " morning birdie! Don't you see" I teased him " Ai you little teaser" he starts tickle me "hahahahhaha stooop ahahha Keiiiigoooo" he stops and spins me around " hahaha someone is in good mood" I laugh "that's truuu ahahah how are you feeling in this beautiful morning" I went over to oven and took two plaits and put in food and sat down and Keigo beside me " Actually I feel kinda ....wierd" we started to eat "Like horny wierd or hospital wierd???" He laughts.

"Shhhh eat your food"

2 years later

Hawks pov

I return from my patrol. I went up stairs to ching I heard Toya crying in batroom I quickly went over and opend the door " hey are you okay" he looks at me tears running down his cheeks but those are happy tears and in his hand pregnancy test " Keigo I'm pregnant" he showd me test.

Test showd two lines I rusehed to him and hug him and kisse his cheek and he hugd me back.

Toya now is in his last month and he is carrying twins. All this time he is sad but eats like hungry lion. Hitomi is walking and says some words like mom,papa and hungry and she is happy to be big sister.
"KEIGO" I heard Toya yell from down stairs. I rushed down and Toya is holding his big belly "Keigo my water broke" I tried to not panic "you want to still give birth at home" we have talked about this so many times "yes" I helped him to get to bed.

It's bean 2 h Toya now is in much beger pain " Toya when I say push you push"

"Now push" Toya is all sweaty and trying not to scream in pain" take a deep breath and breaf you are doing okay"

"It's not my first time and I have you" Toya said

"Ghhhhaaaaaa" Toya screams have minets have past " one more big push okay" when he starts to push with my fingers I open his entrance more vider and fell bays head " just little bit head is out" I take the baby and put on Toyas chest " It's a girl" Toya says happy " I cut the umbilical cord and put her in soft towel " one more you can do it" when I see head Toya says "some thing is not right I file it " when baby is out I see that umbilical cord is around his neck.

Tear the umbilical cord and blow into his nose to start breathing again "Keigo why isn't he crying" Toya said in voried ton. When I thot I lost him he started to cry "Now he is okay" I said.

It has been a week and Satomi and Haru are healthy babies and Toya is okay to evryone is adoring them.

Satomi has blue eyes golden hair like me and beutiful black wings and Haru is copy of his sister.

(In the picture is how Satomi looks but whit blue eyes )

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