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Dabi pov

25.may when Endeavor was put in a jail.

They moved to diffrent house biger with 5 bedrooms and beautiful garden.

And me I'm now dating Hawks and going to terapist but it dosn't help me not one bit he tells me ' Dreams are not real what you are dreaming is not real and that have not happend thats your imagination' I would under stand if he would say 'It's a past and you have to forget that' or some thing like that.

I was inturrupted by Keigo who was shaking me " what what what" I said quickly. "I cald you like milions times and you didn't respond"
"Sorry I jus 'sig' I wa-" Again I was interrupt by crying now Hitomi now is 2 months old. I got a chanch to see mom, Natsuo,Fuyumi and Shoto. When they saw me they were confused but when Keigo explained they all hugd me with tears in ours eyes. I thought that they would hate me but they didn't.

I went to kitchen and Hitomi in my arm I'm looking for baby food but we were out. I turnd aroun and jump " Ahh stop doing that" I put my hand on my heart " Sorry. Recovery girl asked me if you cold product milk?" He said in nervous ton " emm yes I can but not now" He pulled out of his jacket pocket some pills " Recovery girl give me thes pills. She said that for Hitomy it would be healthier that she drings hers mothers milk" I took the pills and look at them " how many I have to take them?"
"Tree every week" I gave Hitomi to Keigo and took the pills.

"Wow that was fast" I felt my nipples start to swell. I took Hitomi from Keigo and started to hed up stairs "Don't for get that at 12:30 pm you have to go to terapist" Keigo said from kitchen. I hate that terapist I really don't wana go but I have no choice.

I sat on bed and pull up my black hudy I gently moved Hitomi's mouth over my nipple and she started to suck I pull my oversize shirt over her and trought head hole I look at here (I don't know the feeling I can't describe that. If you know then congratulations :-)))

Time skip to 2 pm

Non pov
Rei is looking after Hitomy allvlways when no one is home.

Tsukauchi all ways brings Dabi or now Toya to terapist.

The way back is quiet as always but some thing was of and Tsukauchi felt it Toya is looking out of the window "Toya how did the terpy go?" he stopt at red light and looks at Toya who didn't answer "Hey are you okay did Hawks did some thing" Toya turns his head to look at his hands "No" He simply answers. But he knew that some thing was of " I know that some thing is off you can tell me"

Hawks returned from his patrol " Helloo Rei how did it go" Rei look's at him and smiles " evry thing was fine she is sleeping now" They said they'er good bays.

They were half way ther when Tsukauchi saw Toya trembel he parkt the car " Toya why are you shakin are you cold?" And then he broke Toya coldn't keap his emosons tears is faling from his eyes "Hey what happend did I do some thing wrong" He was so confused "I wana go h-home"

When they were ther Toya was clamd down and whent inside and he him self drow away.

Nexst morning

Hawks had his morning patrol that means he will be back at 12:25 pm.
And now is 12:20 pm

'knok' 'knok'

Toya went to door and opened it " good morning Toya how are you doing today" it was Tsukauchi " I'm fine" Toya said and let him in when he closed the door Tsukauchi said " I know you are lying whats wrong" He took Toya by his sholder and sat him on the couch.

" I don't wanna go today" Toya said little bit annoyed "I know but you have to. We will wait for Hawks then we can go-" And immediatly Toyas black ears were turnd to door and then Hawks walks in " Oh" the only sound he makes at that moment when Toya hugs him "I don't wanna gooo" Toya wines in Keigo's chest "But you have to go please" Toya looks at him and hit him on the leg and went to the car " yesterday I don't know what happened but he cryed. Do you know some thing?" Keigo looks at him " He is like this lately when I ask him what's wrong he just ignors me and the nightmares evry single night".

Again the way back is quiet like always.
But when Tsukauchi looks at Toyas hand he can see that there ar bruises some short but he will not say anything till he gets Toya home.

When Tsukauchi stops the car in front of Toyas and Hawks hause he said "we need to talk and Hawks to" Toya didn't respond he got out of car and whent to house.

Hawks alredy is siting on chouch when they bouth walks in " Toya come hear" Keigo says. When they all sat down Toya in midle Keigo on left side of chouch and Tsukauci on Right side. "Toya whats wrong and whats about thos bruises on your wrists?" Tsukauchi asks Keigo looks at Toya and gently taks his arm but he pulls away "Toya whats is happening to you tell us whats wrong" Keigo tried to get any answer noting but only tears rolling on his cheeks. Tsuksuchi took Toyas arm and pulld on slew to see many scars old and new.Toya pulld his arm away and grrabs Keigos shirt and hung his head down"I' m s-sorry, so so so sorry" Keigo immediately pulls him in hug and rubs his back in circles "shhh why did you do that". Keigo said clamly to not scear Toya "when you will clam down then you can tell us why okay" Tsukauci said.
Toya nods.

Toya has clam himself and stopt crying " I-I t-told him that I have n-nightmares...about my past and he said t-that is a completely normal nightmare and it's not real...but I tried t-to exhplain b-but he st -started to jell at m-me evry t-time a-and o-once he heat me and every time i said it was the past he cut me in a vein" Keigo immeadeatly wrapt his arms arond him "why didn't you tell us?" Keigo asks " did he scare you" Tsukauci asks Toya nods.

"You don't have to go any more there and he is going to jail" Tsukauchi said and walks out the door.

Keigo caries Toya to bathroom to treat Toyas wounds he puts Toya on flor and with feather help searches for medkit when it's found he took out what he needs "sorry but this will hurt. Give me your hand" Toya gives him his hand and holds strong. "Aaaaaa" Toya cries out in pain and squeezes his hand as hard as he can
"You can do it little bit more" Keigo bandages Toya's wrists and carries him to bed.


Omg this story is sooo weird.

I hope who reads this story likes this book.

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