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Dabi pov

I dresst in white t-shirt and blue jeans. I went to feed Snowfur "Snowfur" I called for her and then I heard her running to me.
I did't wanna eat. I went to living room and watched TV.
(The mirror is a clock)

(It was 8:00 and now it's 11:00)'Breaking news the League of villains is captured' "w-what no

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(It was 8:00 and now it's 11:00)
'Breaking news the League of villains is captured' "w-what no...were will I go now...shit" ' Dabi from the league is missing, no one knows were he is or what he's planning to do'

"Oh you saw the news" I jumped "did I scare you" I shook my head 'yes'
" how much do i know that Toga maby they will give her another chance" 'why I'm so....relieved....' "and that's how my day went" 'what??????' "...........aha....:) " I was in Hawks lap somehow "you did't hear noting of what I said" ".....nop....."Hawks laughed abnormally.
When Hawks clamed down he kissed me on my lips "his lips ar so soft" " oh thank you" he wispered in my ear "did I said it out loud???"I wispered"yes...yes you did" 'shit shit shit' I felt embarressed
and I felt my face heat up "so cute" "shut up".

Non pov

Hawks kissed Dabi again Dabi tried to pull away but Hawks one hand was in his hair not letting go and other hand was around his waist when Dabi gasped Hawks slipped his tongue in his mouth "mhmmhh" Dabi moned.

Dabi pushed at Hawks shoulders but no luck. Hawks pulled away for air."W-what was that" Dabi said angry "Couldn't resist when you look so cute"
Dabi started to panic when he felt something against his ass "le-let m-me g-go" " NO" Hawks grabbed Dabi's wrists and then started to kiss Dabi's neck and suck on his skin " HAWKS STOP IT.....S-STOP PL-PLEASE...K-K-KEIGO S-STOP...AAAAGGGGHHH" Dabi scremed and cried he was so scared.

"Why are you so scared?" " b-bec-because it it allways....hur-" Dabi passed out in Hawks lap. Hawks carried him to their bedroom were he layd him on the bed and sat on other side of the bed.

Hawks pov

"Sorry I cold not control my self"I said unzipping my pants and pulling out my hard cock and started to strok my cock "ah...fuck" I moaned out and saw that Dabi was waking up I send feathers to hold him down on the bed and around his wrists "hey my raven...ahh...we need to tallk ok....mhhmm" Dabi eys widen and looks away immediately "I will not try any thing...I hop...I'm in rut..fuck...I coldn't control my instingts...ahhhaa fuuuck....and I'm relly sorry th-that hapend" I'm so fuking close "W-wh-why d-do you so-sound so p-ple-pleased....i-it d-dosen't hu-hurt's?" I stopped moving and looked at him "you were raped it's noting like making love it do not hurt at all" I started moving again "l-look at meeee please....ahhhaaaaa" Dabi was blusing when he looked at me "good boy ...f-fuck fuck ...ahhhhhaaaaa"and I came in my hand "it fells soooo gooood ah" I moaned out Dabi just stared at me I somened my feathers back to my wings and to the batroom to get me a rag.

I cleaned myself and asked"wanna try?"

Dabi pov

I look at Hawks and couldn't move I just stared at him. "wanna try?"He asked my heart started to beat so fast. "I-I..."Hawks was so close to my face " common it will not hurt I promise" Hawks said and looked at my pants were now was "oh somone is excited hmm" Hawks smirked and unbuttoned my pants still lookig at me "how will we do this me" I reached my hand in my underwear and pulled out my dick.
It felt weird. Hawks took my hand in his and started moving.""Hwks stoped moving my and his hand and looked at me "whats wrong?" "I-I scared" "don't be"Hawks said simply and removed my hand from my dick "do what I do okay don't be scared" he kissed me and starded to move his hand. I grabed his dick and did the same "mhmmm it's weird....gha""shhhh" he started to move faster and I did the same "ah...mmmnngghh"I moaned "ah do you fell gooood mhmmm" Hawks asked "yesssss ahahhh....mhgh..ahhh"I felt some thing "K-keigooo some thing is coming" "come whit me raven" and then we both moaned white liquid sprung out of our dicks. Hawks put his hand in front of his mouth and lick his fingers clean "mmmm you taste delicious" I look at him with disguss. He kleened bot of us.
"I love you my little raven"he said and kissed me 'Sorry but I don't know how to kiss' I said to my self.

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