Hawks in a rut DAY 4

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Dabi pov

'Where am I? Why it's so cold?' I open my eyes and look around. Then I rememberd where I was. It's raining now.

I tried to get up but I felt an abnormal pain in my side I lay back and put my hand on my side and when I looked at my hand there was blood. 'Sigh' "I need to get out of hear" I slowly got up and leaned against the wall so as not to lose my balance. Carefully I lift the T-shirt to view the wound, the wound was not large. But still if it gets infeckted it will be bad.

Non pov

Dabi wandered along the empty allyway. It was middle of day and still raining Dabi wandered the allyway soaked he needed to find a places to stay and fast or he will freezs to death it was spring but still cold and he was in only in T-shirt.

Wille Dabi was looking for places to stay Hawks was not in better mood he is angry on him self " s-scared Dabi my m-mate, mother of m-my futur children grrrr he's a guy you damass gaaarrrr" Hawks was so angry and ~horny that he didn't go and look for his mate tinking that his Raven is still home but he was wrong.

The sun is setting and Dabi had no luck to find a place to stay. Hes tired, hungry, cold and his wound needs to stop hurting so much. Finally Dabi stumbles across an abondent building he goes in he sees three door in front he tries first door no luck second door no luck and third door no luck ether.
First floor no luck "maby on second floor I will get better luck" Dabi said to himself no luck all door was lockt and on third floor too and forth floor to but on fifth floor he finally find a unloked door he went in and there was an old couch he went over to couch laid down and immediately fell a sleep.

But Dabi made a mistak not looking around becouse the room was very clean mabybe there is someone there!!!!!!!!!

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