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Toya was somewhere in the forest runing from his father. Running in the woods, he fell and when he looked up.... he stood in front of him  then he started beting Toya up " brat" Toya was on the ground bleeding an crying " you know what are you useful for" Toya was neked in front of his father "to be....pregnant..... with my....child"  Endevor now was pulling of his own pants "W-WHAT NO STO-" Endevor kissed Toya on his lips.

"NOOOO STOOOP" Dabi screamed siting up in the bed. Hawks fell out of bed " hey what happened" Dabi is crying and pulled his knees to his chest Snowfur was hiding somewhere in the room " nonononono why did that happen WHY why why" Dabi's eyes were open wide in fear" Dabi it was just a dream" Hawks sat in the bed next to Dabi "no it's all real.. nononono he will find me he will"
"What are you talking about it was just a nightmare" Hawks said calmly. But Hawks didn't know that it was return of his memories.
Dabi looked at Hawks with terrified eyes " work with told him I'm her that's why you are keeping me here" Dabi pointed at Hawks with his finger."ALL THIS TIME YOU ARE LYING TO ME" Dabi scremed at top of his lungs.
"Dabi calm down" Hawks said and tried to clam Dabi down "Get off me" Dabi boolted out of Hawks grip and ran down stairs.

Dabi pov

I heard Hawks running after me. I ran in the kitchen and took the knife when Hawks boolted in the kitchen "Dabi...put the knife down" I held the knife in both hands, my hands trembling abnormally "NO" Hawks moved so fast I did not react in time the knife from my hands was gone and Hawks was holding me in iron grip" LET ME GO"
"Shhhh" he put his hand on my eyes I did't  see "let me go...please" Now I was crying 'he will tell him that I'm here' then something pressed against my mouth " mhmgghhgg" then i pased out.

Hawks pov

I was holding Dabi "LET ME GO"
"Shhhh" I put my hand on his eyes then i send fether to get me a rag and sleeping drug." let me go...please" without thinking I pressed the rag with the drug against his mouth "mhmgghhgg" Dabi thrashing and then whent limp.
I picked up Dabi and carried him to our bedroom "sorry but I have no choice".

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