Harsh truth

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Dabi pov

When I woke up- "good morning swetheart" Hawks said I tried to move but I cold't move my arms "what happened?" I asked and tried to move my body to face Hawks.

Then I saw my hands had tied together and my legs too "w-what did you do" "noting...do you don't remember yesterday?" "n-no" Hawks murmured something "wh-what?" "nothing" "I will untie your legs okay..and don't try anything." "y-y-yes"

Hawks untied my legs. 'what happened yester- FUCK how coold I forget abot that. shit'

"Dabi clam down what happened..tell me please" I was shaking and some tears fell from my eyes "please don't tell him"I looked in his eyes first time in life that I have looked in someone's eyes.
"About what..you,no one knows that you are with me" I was so relief" but what happened yesterday and what's your real name?" Hawks said rubbing my check whit thumb.

Non pov

"I will tell y-you but first untie my wrists "Dabi held his hand in front of Hawks to untie "but don't run away" "mhm" when Hawks untied his wrists Hawks rubed an oill were was the bruses to heal bether."okay....when I got my quirk my father started to train me to beat All might but my quirk was to powerful and it hurts me....When my youngest brother got his quirk...I-I thot he will....he was beating me up every time I did some thing wrong" Now Dabi was sitting in Hawk's lap and was shaking.
"One day he he kissed me on my lips and stoped beting me. Then I went to mom and said that dad kissed me and she was so angry she told me 'if he does that agen that I have to tell her' " Dabi started to sob " when noone was home he said t-that he n-neds to t-tallk w-with me...when I went in h-his r-room h-he was n-n-naked and then he r-raped m-me a-and s-said t-that" "shhhhh you have not to tell me if you don't wana shhhh shhhh"Hawks kissed Dabi's forehead and rubbed his back.
When Dabi clamed down Hawks asked "was the nightmare you saw was...." "y-yes" Hawks noded holding Dabi even tighter " okay soooo...my real name is Keigo Takami and yours?" Dabi did't say anythind a wail but then "Toya...Toya Todoroki"Hawks didn't belew to his hears what he heard "That bastard he will pay"Hawks said angrily.

Hawks pov

How could he do this to his own son and I thought he was good person.'I wana to comfort Dabi but I have job' "Raven I will go to job now okay. Go and eat some thing okay and feed Snowfur to okay" "okay...keigo" I kissed his cheek and went to get ready.

' Time skip to the meeting '

"Dabi from the league of villains is missing still " said Endeavore.
'He's safe with me-' "Maby he's ded"said Miruku "no one knows that" I said annoyed.
The meeting ended and I huried to home to my lover.

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