🦦Only You [Kalim X Reader]

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Today was just an average day at NRC. Everything was fine. The students attended class, skipped class, hung out, and then there's you.

"The hell are you looking at huh?" You glared at the group of students who bumped into you, causing your good mood to go sour.

The magic less human that struck fear into the majority of the school? Yeah, that was you. Even the Savanaclaw students stay clear from your sights and not even Floyd wants to try and strangle you. Sebek doesn't even dare try to insult you. Those who were unfortunate to encounter you always went home crying and maybe left a bit traumatized.

"U-uh! (Y-Y/N)! S-sorry for bumping into you I-I didn't mean it on purpose I—"

"Shut the fuck up and go away you idiots before I bust your kneecaps." You cracked your knuckles while the students could only whimper and cringe in fear of you. You were about to bust their kneecaps when somebody intervened.

"(Y/N)!" You turned around instantly as you noticed who the voice belonged to. Kalim was running up to you waving and smiling his usual smile that lights up the whole area. Jamil was simply following not too far behind him. In an instant you totally forgot about the group of students who were about to literally kill and became all soft towards Kalim.

"Gasp, Kalim! Omg you look so cute today ahhh!" You went to hug him and pinched his cheek. Kalim hugged you back of course but when you pinched his cheek he could only struggle to get out of your grip.

"Fweh! (Y-Y/N)! Stwap p-pwinching mah chweeks!" Kalim laughed a bit trying to struggle free and eventually you let him go.

"But you just so cute~ and handsome~ and adorable~ and a bunch of other things!" You began to tease him. He only pouted a bit but went back to his happy self. The students around you couldn't even believe what was going on, some even took a picture of you. The cold prefect of Ramshackle suddenly turning soft?! This could be a whole new hot topic that people would talk about. You noticed them taking pictures of you without consent and you scared them away by giving them your death glare. You didn't really mind if people took photos of you, but from where they were standing, it was close enough to also take a picture of Kalim, which would basically also mean invading his privacy. You wouldn't let anyone ever disturb your precious boy like that and you definitely would fight the whole school if needed to.

"Hey (Y/N)." Jamil waved at you.

"Hey Jamil." You stopped pinching Kalim's cheek and greeted Jamil. Other than Kalim, Jamil is also well acquainted with you. You're basically like a savior to Jamil since he doesn't have to worry over Kalim when you're near him.

"Kalim has a free period right now but I have class so could I bother you to watch over him temporarily?"

"Duh, of course. It means I get to spend time with this," you looked back at Kalim, "Angel!" You rubbed his cheeks in circles. Jamil took this as a sign that he should leave and so he did while you were doting on Kalim.

"Ehhhhhhh—" Kalim managed to get out of your grasp but he still smiled at you.

"Anything you want to do?" You asked Kalim with a smile. Admiring his presence in front of you right now.

"How about strolling around the school campus?" He suggested while beaming with happiness which you swore made you go temporarily blind for a moment.

"Anything for you, sweetie!" At this point you were clutching your heart as you were exaggerating your expression now. Kalim only looked at you in confusion but he shrugged it off and you two began walking.

As you two were walking you kept on teasing and playing with Kalim which greatly flustered him. He didn't mind though since you were special to him and also because he was probably dense as heck.

Since it was lunch time you both sat on a bench in the botanical garden to eat. You bought a sandwich for Kalim since you like to spoil him...a lot. As in you'd buy a diamond ring for him if he asked you to.

"Mmm! This sandwich is so delicious!" Kalim exclaimed as he dug straight into the sandwich. A few crumbs got on the side of his mouth so you decided to wipe it off for him using your hand.

"Sigh, Kalim eat slowly, you don't want to choke do you?" You wiped the crumbs off and pinched his cheek a little then let go.

"Ah- thanks!" He beamed at you. You swore that he was going to be the death of you.

"No biggie." You smiled at him, going back to eating again.

"Say, (Y/N), why do you act so angry towards others?" He asked you out of curiosity. Oh shit. You actually have no clue either. Well maybe you do but you didn't know if you should tell him. But then he was looking at you with those cute puppy eyes and you literally can't refuse those eyes. And also because Kalim is Kalim so you gave in and told him.

"I guess it's because I somehow grew a soft spot for you. Also because I grow irritated when others try to talk to me, but you make me feel happy with your very existence." You explained, not wanting to hide anything from him.

"So, only me?" He pointed to himself.

"Yeah, only you." You smiled.
End Notes
It's a bit rushed but I still think it turned out ok. This was a request and the plot suggested was so cute omg.
I literally didn't charge my phone yesterday lmao. But by some miracle it's not even half dead-

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