2. First Night

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A/N: Translations are in Italics! <3

Tong's POV

Shaking takes out a huge bag out of her luggage and I got curious so i asked: "带来了啥呀?" (what did you bring?)

"没什么。今晚要吃火锅吗?" (nothing much. Do you wanna eat hotpot tonight?)  Shaking asks. "你带来了火锅?!" (you brought hotpot here?!) I jumped. "所以呢?要吃吗?雨昕,柯燃?一起吗?" (So? Do you wanna eat? Yuxin, Keran? Want to join us?)

"要!"(Yes!) yuxin exclaims

"我也要!"(me too!) keran exclaims

"好的。我这儿回去做。"( okay. I'll go prepare it now) Shaking says while unwrapping the plastic.

"我帮你吧"( i'll help you) I offered


Keran's POV
I reach to my bag for my phone then i heard yuxin say: "你背后的 YX 是什么意思啊?" (The YX on your back what's the meaning of it?)

"哦,就是我很小的时候有一个学妹,她的名字是雨昕。好像她的名字和你一样。好巧哦。她很可爱真的。我记得她有给我一个项链上面有个YX在上面。然后我也买了一条上面有个K。好想还有她的照片呵呵呵。是不是说太多了?妈呀。" (Oh when I was little, there was this junior. Her name was Yuxin just like yours! What a coincidence! She's really cute. I remember she gave me a necklace with YX on it. Then i bought one too but that one had a K on it. I think i still have a picture of her Hahaha. Oh my, did i say too much?) I explain. I saw her fiddling with her own necklace.

"没有啦。听起来真的好像我的学姐。她的名字也是柯燃。太巧了。但是他现在好像应该不知道我在哪儿了......" ( No of course not. Now that i hear you talk about it, it sounds abit like a senior i had. Her name was also Keran. Such a coincidence. But she probably doesn't know where I am right now.) She reassures. While she was fiddling with her necklace, I saw a necklace exactly like what I had described just now.

Oh god. Is she really here right now?! "是吗?哇真的是一个巧合。你是从哪一个学校的呀?" (Really? Wow it's really such a coincidence. Which school were you from?) I can't help but ask.

"南艺中学的咋啦?" (Nan Yi Secondary School. Why?) She answered. Oh my god. She's really here right now!

"昕昕?" (xinxin?) I called the nickname I gave my yuxin.

"柯柯?" (keke?) She answered.

"不是吧。哎呀我想死你啦!"(It can't be. Omg! I missed you so much!) I say as tears of joy falls down my face while I hug her.

"柯柯怎么哭啦?别哭呀,你哭我就会哭。" (keke why are you crying? Don't cry! If you cry i'll cry too!) She says while hugging me back.

In the end we both ended up crying.

Shaking's POV
"你们怎么啦?怎么哭了起来啊?" (What happened to you? Why are you guys crying?) Tong asked with  worrisome in her tone. "是她!是她!" (It's her! It's her!) Yuxin ran down and hugged her best friend. Me and Tong immediately locked eyes at each other. I almost dropped the hotpot on the floor. "好了啦。我们要吃火锅了,我不允许你们一个两个哭哭啼啼地吃哦。如果要吃的话,你们就要擦干你们的眼泪." (okay. enough crying, we're going to eat soon and i do not allow any one you crying while eating. So if you wanna eat you better wipe your tears dry.) I warned. I set the hotpot down onto the table and started giving the chopsticks out.

-Before i went out of the kitchen-
"所以呢,雨昕有一个学姐叫柯燃。但是雨昕觉得不一定是我们的柯燃因为有很多人也叫柯燃。但是有几个方式可以知道如果柯燃真是雨昕说的师姐。" (So, Yuxin has a senior called Keran. But Yuxin doesn't think that it is the keran we have here because there's a lot of people also called keran. But there are some ways yuxin can use to find out if our Keran is really the senior she's looking for.) Tong explains. Being stuck in suspense I couldn't help but ask what were the ways.

"第一,她们上次有交换过项链。柯燃的项链有YX在上面。雨昕的有一个K在上面。雨昕说从她们交换项链时没有一次有摘下来的。所以我们可以看看如果柯燃又把它带上吗" (Firstly, last time they gave each other necklaces before. Keran's one has YX engraved on it and Yuxin's one has K engraved on it. For all that I know, since Yuxin gotten the necklace she has never taken it off. So we can see if Keran has the necklace around her neck later) Tong started.

"第二,她们上次有给过对方的小名。柯燃给雨昕的小名是昕昕,雨昕给柯燃的小名是柯柯。所以等一下可以让她们说出她们最爱的人给她们的小名。" (Secondly, last time they had made nicknames for each other. Keran gave yuxin 'XinXin' as her nickname. Yuxin gave Keran 'KeKe'as her nickname. So later we can ask them what were the nicknames their favourite person gave them)

"原来是这样的。火锅很快就好了!" (Oh so it was like that. Hotpot is almost ready!) I nodded

"还有!我偷偷的放了我的手机在拍她们。我这里有那个视频。要看吗?" (I still got something! I put one of my phones outside to film them. I had the live video here, wanna watch?) She offered

"为啥放哪儿呢?" (why did you put it there though) I looked at her with a confused look.

"当然用了我们的女人第六感来做的。我也不知道但是我怀疑等一下会有点儿东西会发生的。" ( I used our sixth sense. I also don't know why i did it but i suspect something will happen) She explained

"来来来!快给我看!"(Come on then! Let me see it!) I exclaim.

She took out her spare phone and I could clearly hear and see them.

- Back to present time-

"哭完了。可以吃了吗?" I've cried finished. Can we eat now?) Keran and Yuxin said almost right after I warned them that they couldn't eat the food if they were crying. I put all the things in and that was kinda the best night I had in awhile. I was literally shocked when they found out who they were. When I saw the live video, they didn't look like they knew each other at all just pure awkwardness. I hope we get good songs for tomorrow.

A/n: Hii! hope you liked this!

Word count: 796 words

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