15. Eliminations

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Linfan's POV

It's the first elimination round and only 60 of us gets to stay. "我们等一下要进去做什么呀?"(What are we gonna do later when we go in?) Tong asks as she put her ring on. "要不我们四个比一个心然后彤彤你就在中间。"How about us four, make a heart and Tong you're in the middle?) Keyin suggests. We all agreed and went to the cafeteria for breakfast. While we were eating, Xiai went around every table to give us tissues. "加油哈!爱哭的人得多备点纸巾!" (Good luck! Those that cry easily have to prepare tissues!) She says as she handed them out. "彤彤,你怎么了?"(Tong, What's wrong?) I ask cupping her face. "没咋。就是我觉得我会被淘汰。" (Nothing. I just have no confidence in getting into the next round.) She says with her nose starting to turn red. "一定不会淘汰的宝宝,都还没到时间哭你就哭了。" (You will get into the next round baby. You cry before it's time to cry. ) I say giving her a kiss on her forehead. Not long later, we're at the entrance. We went inside and did what we planed to do. "哎哟!我的心!天呐!"(Aiyo! My heart! My god!) Jiaqi exclaims clutching her chest. We found a place to sit together and we chatted a while.

Kun PD then walks in with a stern and serious look on his face. We all stood uo and greeted "坤制作人好!" (Hello Kun!) "你们好" (Hello.) He replies. He made some small talk. "今天是你们发布成绩的日子。紧张吧。" (Today is the day you girls get your results. Are you girls nervous?) He asks. "紧张!" (Yes!)We say. "坐吧。" (Sit.) Kun smiles. Tong's hand quickly held my hand. "现在第一次成绩结果正式开始。" (First result release will officially start.) Awhile later, a lady walks in with all of our results. This reminds me of exam results. My hand is starting to sweat. "我后面只有60张椅子,我们从中间的位子开始吧。" (Behind me, there are only 60 chairs. We'll start from the middle.) Kun announced. My nervousness starts to kick in. Now he's starting to give the names of the people from 35th place to the 26th place. "我紧张了。"(I'm nervous.) I say squeezing her hand. I kept listening for either of our names. The pressure is on!

A while later, Kun starts to announce the rankings for 16 to 25th place.. I think her hands are red already.

"接下来我们来公布第二十名的训练生。她自认为他不是天赋型的选手。" (Next, is the 20th place. She thinks that she doesn't have talent.)

"所以会把自己的部分一遍一遍一遍的练。直到所有人都会唱她的部分的位置。"(So she'll practice her part over and over again till everyone knows how to sing her part.)

"是你!林凡林凡!" (It's you! Linfan!) Gia says.

"好像是你欸。" (I think it's you.) Tong says squeezing my hand. Now i'm starting to think that its actually me.

*"我是谁我是谁" (Who am I? Who am I?)*Keke joked.

"她是谁?"(Who is she?) Kun chuckled.

*"我是谁 **你是谁 **她是谁?" (Who am I? Who are you? Who is she?)*Kun says.

"林凡!!!!!"(Linfan!!!!) Keyin shouts from above.

Oh my god, I didn't get eliminated??? I stood up but quickly realised that my name hasn't been called yet. "还没叫我。哈哈哈" (They didn't say my name yet. Hahaha) I buried my head into my palms in embarrassment.

"她就是来自TOV娱乐的训练生,林凡。" (She is a trainee from TOV entertainment. Linfan.) Kun announced.

I got up and hugged Keke as well as Tong. I didn't get eliminated!!!! I heaved a sigh of relief and walked down. I stood beside Zihan and to be perfectly honest, the feeling's unreal. Absolutely unreal. My legs felt as if they would fall to the ground. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "OW!" I exclaim. Zihan looked at me and whispered, "没事吧?"(You okay?) I nodded. I waited listened for any of my friend's names, none yet. Keke will probably be at the 10th to 14th place. Shaking would be probably top 9. I'm worried about Tong though.

Not long later, the mic was passed to me. I told everyone about my previous groups that I've been in, and that this was a survival show that I really wanted to be in. *"*加油 林凡"(Stay strong Linfan!) Keke shouts. "最棒" (The best!) Yiwen encouraged. I couldn't help but laugh. I continued on, encouraging myself as well as the rest of the girls.

Tong's POV

Next, Kun announced the rankings from 10 to 15th place. Keke held onto my hand, I could feel that her hands were already starting to sweat.

"第十五名的训练生是来自。。。嘉慧传媒的喻言。" (15th place is a trainee from.. Joinhall Media Yuyan.)

"接下来公布第十四名的训练生。。她是来自WR/OC 的训练生乃万。" (Next is 14th place. She is a trainee from WR/OC Nineone.)

"接下来,我们来公布第十三名的训练生。她是来自大王娱乐的'大王'张总。" (Next is 13th place. She is from D.Wang Zhang Yu.)

"接下来,来公布第十二名的训练生。来自《破风》小组。" (Next. 12th place. She is from 'The Eve'.) Keke's grip tightens around my hand.

"看似帅气但非常害羞。" (Looks very cool but she's very shy.) It's keke.

"柯柯!"(Keke!) Keyin shouts from above.

"她就是来自TOV娱乐的训练生陆柯燃。" (She is a trainee from TOV entertainment. Lu Keran.)

"哇哦!!"(Wow!!) Linfan shouts from the other side.

After a while, keke picked up the mic and said, "谢谢所有工作人员.谢谢你们一直以来花费了所有的时间和精力陪伴我们。" (Thank you to all the staff. Thank you for spending all your time and energy with us.)

Next Kun starts to announce the ranks from the 36th place to the 45th place.

My gut tells me that I'm not gonna make it. I kept listening for my name, clapping for the other girls who got to stay in. Until Kun finished two rounds of announcements. It was clear that there was no hope for me anymore. Linfan shoots me a worried look and I gave her a thumbs up.

Soon, the eighth place. "她是来自AMG亚洲音乐集团的训练生刘雨昕。" (She is a trainee from AMG. Liu Yuxin.) I gave her a hug before she left. Then after that it was the seventh place. "她就是谢可寅。"(She is Xie Keyin) I gave keyin a hug too.

Then, slowly, the people on my side started to leave.

"还有最后一个。第六十名。恭喜来自萌样娱乐的训练生段小微。" (And, the last place. In the 60th place, we have Duan Xiaowei.)

I clapped for her as well as myself.

Linfan's POV

My heart dropped as I heard Tong's name was not mentioned.

"第一次排名公布已经结束了。107名训练生中共有60人进入下一阶段。她们将继续努力训练,为热爱全力以赴。谢谢青春制作人们这段时间的关注和支持。接下来也继续关注训练生们的成长。现在所有训练生。请感谢一直以来给予你们支持和努力的青春制作人们。青春追梦,多远都可以到达。青春制作人们,和我一起吧!"(the first result release has officially come to an end. In 107 trainees, only 60 gets to stay. The girls will have to continue their hard work practicing and do their best. Thank you Youth producers in supporting the girls. Also continue the support and watch them grow. Thank you youth producers for your hard work and persistence. Young dream pursuers, no matter how far it is, we can get there. Come do it together, youth producers.) Kun says before he left.

After he left, I immediately left for the other side for Tong as well as Keyin, Yuxin and Keke. "哎呀,没事啦。我都没哭,那你们哭啥呀?"(Aiya, its okay. I didn't even cry why are you guys crying?) Tong says as she wipes our tears off our faces. "你们全都给我听听着哈。一定要出道。不出道,别想回来。" (All of you listen up. You guys must debut. You don't, don't think of coming back.) She demands.

What will happen to Tong? What will she do? Read on!!

word count: 1097 words

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