14. Daimeng's Wish!

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Linfan's POV

We were told that the winner of the Fashion contest, Daimeng's dorm, could have a wish fulfilled. "火锅!土豆!" (Hot pot! Potatoes!)I shout. "是人家的愿望。"(It's not your wish) Keke says as a joke. Then the director said that Daimeng's wish was that we could have Hotpot. "我不是刚说?给我猜对了!" I exclaim hugging Keke. YAY!! I love hotpot! We went down to the cafeteria and waited for the pots to arrive.

A while later, The food came then slowly everyone started to take in to the delicious food I heard Anqi calling out for her chillies. Couldn't help but to call out for my corianders. "谁不要香菜的全都给我们这儿!我们缺香菜!" (Whoever dislikes corianders give them to me! we lack corianders!) Then we got a lot of corianders given to us. They're so good! I seriously can get enough of them! "来吃点儿肉吧。"(Come, have some meat.) I say as I put a piece of meat on Tong's plate, freshly cooked. She nodded and continue digging in. I kept everyone's plates full except for me. Keke saw it and gave me a piece of cooked meat, "哎呀马姐,给被人夹也不能忘掉自己吧。" (Aiya, Marco. You can't forget about yourself when helping people right?)

A while later, Jiaqi and Daimeng came to our tables with their cameras on their hands. "我们能吃点儿吗?"(Can we have some?) Jiaqi pouts. "张嘴"(Open your mouth.) Tong says as she puts the meat into both their mouths. "真香!彤彤对我们太好了!"(So good! Tong, you're too nice to us!) Daimeng exclaims. "爽!" (This is great!) Keyin shouts.

Two hours later, everyone were clutching their stomachs and slowly people started to leave the cafeteria to prepare for the eliminations.


(filler chapter again! sorry!!!)

word count: 268 words

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