12. Escape!

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Linfan's POV

"好的,你们现在是在我们这里最长时间来逃出来的一个密室。在这儿呢,你们就是超自然现象调查员。你们应该听说过Annabelle 那个恐怖片吧。那现在Annabelle 已经逃出去了,你们的任务是要把她放回去原位然后就救自己。你们可以玩到8小时。厕所什么都在里面。加油!" (Okay, you guys are now in one of the most difficult escape rooms. You guys will be paranormal investigators. You guys should havbe heard of the horror film called "Annabelle" right. Annabelle has now escaped from the glass that is used to contain her, your job is to put her back into the glass and save yourselves.  You guys can play up to 8 hours. Toilet and everything is inside. Good luck!) The staff said. 

Once the door was closed, the lights began to flicker, and a child's laughter could be heard. "啊!谁啊?" (Ah! Who is that!) Shuxin exclaims hugging Xiaotang. Everyone was stuck together at one corner. Tong and I were the only ones actually trying to get out. "你们喊啥呀!都是假的!快点帮我们找线索!" (Stop shouting! Everything is fake anyways! Hurry up and find the clues!) I shouted while flipping over everything. Then i saw a piece of wood in the fireplace. I picked it up and read what it said. "罗马数字!" (Roman numerals!)  I shout. "这儿盒子里也有!" (This box has some too!)  Gia shouted from one corner of the room. "我这儿也有!"(Here too!)  Tong shouted. We gathered in the middle of the room and pieced them together. " 10, 1, 5" Tong read. "Put it in the key pad!" Keyin shouted. "开了!开了!" (It's open! It's open!) Gia shouted. "就开这儿门吗?" (Just open this door?) Tong asked. We have a nod of approval.

She opened a door to pure darkness. I got scared to walk inside so I hid behind Tong. "别怕,有我在。" (don't be scared, i'm here) She patted my head. We entered the room of darkness and the ear-piercing sound of a little girl's scream had everyone covering their ears. The room lit up and I think we entered the basement of the investor's house. The first thing we saw was Annabelle behind a glass, holding a sign that said Get ready or something. We looked around the creepy room and we made sure there was one person holding the door to the first place we stepped into. Xiaotang and Shuxin both found two drumsticks. "你们在哪儿找的棍啊?"(Where did yall find that stick?)   Keke asked as she walked past them. "在哪儿。 这个是用来做什么的呀?" (There. What's this used for?)  Xiaotang asked. "好像是要叉它们进去俩边儿的,然后吧钥匙勾起来。" (I think you're supposed to stick it in the two holes then get the key out.)  Yuxin explained. They did exactly what they were instructed and after 30 minutes of trying and whining they finally got it out. We took the key to unlock a locker. In some of them there were cards which spelled blood, death and all those disgusting things.

"哎哟我去!" (My gosh!) Keyin shrieked. "谢可寅把东西弄坏了!" (Xie Keyin broke something!)  Shuxin laughed. We all turned towards her and said Keyin pull apart the bookshelves at the back of the room. "哇塞!有楼梯诶!" (Woah! There's a ladder!)  Keke shouted. She let go of my hand and proceeded to climb up the ladder which she opened another room. "啊..好像是另一个线索诶。"(Looks like it's another clue.)  Keke says while she popped her head into the room where the end of the ladder was. "现下来吧宝贝。我们先找另外一个东西啊。"( Come down first baby. We're finding another clue.)  Yuxin says while reaching for Keke's body in case she falls while getting down.

I moved one of the four horses at one corner of the room and the room went dark and the ear piercing sound came back again. After a few seconds, the room lit up again. "那个娃娃没了!"(The doll is gone!)  Xiaotang says while pointing towards the empty glass. "真的假的!"(It's all fake!)  Tong says from across the room assuring everyone. We all turned our attention to the glass. Annabelle is gone! Then the only thing left inside was a piece of paper that wrote: Let's Play Hide.And.Seek "这儿娃娃真闲啊!要跟我们玩捉迷藏" (That doll is really free! It was to play hide and seek with all of us.) Tong says. Everyone chuckled and began to find more clues about where the doll could be at. We found more clues about the position of the horses at all four sides of the room. "小棠你的马要向林凡哪里的。林凡你的马要向着柯柯的马。柯柯你的要向着可寅哪个马,然后可寅你的要向着林凡哪里。" (Xiaotang, your horse has to face Linfan's one. Linfan, your horse has to face Keke's one. Keke, your horse has to face Keyin's one then Keyin's horse has to face Linfan's  one.)  Tong instructs.

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