6. you're worried?

48 3 2

Yuxin's POV

I got off the ambulance and watched the paramedics  rush into the hospital with my best friend on the stretcher. Keran held onto my hand and we walked towards the cafeteria. I scanned around the room for a seat and found on, I dragged my feet to the seat and sat down. 

I look up to LinFan who was sobbing into Keran's shoulders. Woah, she seems even more upset than me. "她一定会没事的啦。你别担心。" (She will definitely be okay. Don't you worry.) Keran assured her. Wanting to distract myself from everything that was happening, I connected my airpods to my phone and scrolled through my weibo feed. Just when i was about to scroll down, a video caught my attention. It was a video of Tong, interesting... I tapped into it and it said, "我是垃圾桶。" (I am a trashbin.) They cut her introduction, oh my god. The comments are cruel! I showed the nasty comments to Keran and I've never seen that kind of reaction from her before. She told me to take screenshots of the comments and send it to her. 


YX: (7 attached images)                                                                                                                                                     seen 12.39am 

Keran's POV

I received the pictures from yuxin and immediately sent them to Kun. 

 坤制作人 (Producer Kun)

LKR: (7 Attached images)                                                                                                                                                    坤制作人好,希望没有吵醒您 。 彤彤现在再做手术,我,林凡和雨昕会在医院陪着她。还有关于那七个照片我发给你的,全都是对彤彤说的,您看看为们应该做什么才好。谢谢。(Hello, Producer Kun. Hope i didn't wake you up. Tong is now in operation. Linfan, Yuxin and me will be at the hospital to accompany Tong. And, relating to the seven images i've just sent you. All of the comments are pointed towards Tong, please take a  look and tell us what to do. Thank You)                                                                                                                                                                                               Seen 12.43am                                           

                                                            CXK: 你们别激动回复那些评论。先留着,那个视频帮我拍下                                                                                来。请问彤彤是怎么受伤的呀?怎么伤了那么惨?(Don't                                                                               be  too agitated to reply those comments. Leave them alone                                                                           first, can you help me record the video down? How did Tong                                                                             get into such injury? Why did she get hurt so seriously?)                                                                                                                                                                                         seen 12.50am

LKR: 事情是这样开始的,所以我们 在看谁是最后                                                                                                         一名的时候,彤彤的名字在哪里。她就很伤                                                                                                         心,跑去厕所去了。哪儿知道有两个女生在                                                                                                         里面伤害了她。她们 用一把刀,墨水和一片                                                                                                         布伤害了她。当我们在厕所外面,要进去的                                                                                                         时候听到两个女生在说 一些很不好听的话给                                                                                                         彤彤听。我们就进去了,然后看到彤彤的手                                                                                                         流了很多血。当我们在看   如果彤彤还活着                                                                                                           的时候,那两、个女生就溜了。我不记得她                                                                                                         长得啥样子。(It all started like this. So we                                                                                                             were looking at who was at the Last place and                                                                                                         Tong's name was on beside  the label. She felt                                                                                                         really bad then ran towards the toilet. Little did                                                                                                       we know there were two girls inside who hurt                                                                                                         her. They had knives, ink and a cloth. When we                                                                                                       were outside the toilet going to check on her we                                                                                                     heard the two girls saying some horrible things                                                                                                      to Tong and so we went into the toilet. We saw                                                                                                        her hand lose alot of blood. When we were                                                                                                                checking if she was still alive, the two girls left                                                                                                          already! I don't remember how they look like.)                                                                                                         Seen 12.55 am 

                                                                                               CXK: 好的,你们注意安全。(I got it. You guys be                                                                                                             careful.)

"彤彤的家人们?" (Tong's family members?) The doctor called. We all lifted our heads and ran towards the owner of the voice. We found the doctor and immediately asked how she was. 

"她失去的很多血但是她要在这里呆两天就可以回去了。" (She lost a lot of blood but she has to stay here for two days.  Two days later then she can go back.) 

"谢谢你医生,辛苦了。" (Thank you Doctor. Thanks for your hardwork.) Keran thanked.

"我们几时可以看她呀?" (When can we go and see her?) Linfan asked. 

"现在可以。256 房间,三楼。" (You can see her now. Room 256, third level.) The doctor replied.

"谢谢你。" (Thank you.) Yuxin says. 

Linfan's POV

I rushed over to her room when we stepped out of the lift. I ran towards her side and once I held her hand tears started pooling in my eyes. I sobbing until a voice made me look up. "你怎么啦凡凡?" (What happened to you fanfan?) "你醒了呀!柯柯!你把吓死了!痛不痛啊。" (You're awake! Keke! You scared me to death! Is it painful?) I shrieked. She laughed and pulled me to her chest. My face and my ears burned up I couldn't help but to smile like as if I've won a lottery.  "你是在担心我吗?" (are you worried for me?) "是啊。" (yes..) I said shyly. 

"柯柯,雨昕。你们快睡吧,那边有一个沙发你们可以一起睡。 我跟凡凡一起睡。" (Keke, Yuxin. You guys can sleep on the sofa together, fanfan and me will sleep on my bed.) Tong said while stroking my hair. I secretly smile and got onto her bed. 


A/n: Heyyyyyy. Hope this counts as sorry-chapters. I'm so sorry for not updating! Forgive me! Hope you have enjoyed this!!! 

Word Count: 685 Words

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