7. Watch the stars with me

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Linfan's POV

I woke up and checked my phone for the time. It was only five.  Luckily, it was the weekends where we have our breaks. I looked up to Tong and her features. They were beautiful, natural long lashes, eyebrows shaped perfectly, a button nose. "在看啥呀?" (What are you looking at?) Her voice echoed in my ears. "没啥。要吃点东西吗?我可以叫醒她们。" (Nothing. Do you want to eat something? I can wake them up.) I quickly changed the subject before my face becomes too red. She nodded and I asked Keran and Yuxin to wake up. "柯柯,陪我去买早餐。雨昕,你可以在这里陪着彤彤吗?" (Keke, follow me to get breakfast. Yuxin, do you mind staying here with Tong?) I asked while they were half asleep .

She shook her head and I dragged Keke to the cafeteria. "你们俩,怎么样啊?昨晚睡得好吗?" (How's things between you guys?) Keran teased. "就是,哎呀!我不知道如果她会喜欢我。" (so, ah! I don't know if she will like me back!) I whined. "她肯定会喜欢你的啦。别想那么多。"(She will definitely like you! Don't think like that!) Keran consoled. We walked in comfortable silence on the way to the Cafeteria. "你好,我想要两套二号还有两套五号。二号的加多点土豆谢谢!" (Hello, I want 2 sets of number two and 2 sets of number five. Add more potatoes to number two please!) I ordered. "好的。四十元。" (Okay. that'd be 40 Yuan) The vendor said. We paid for the food and walked to Tong's room.

"凡凡你回来啦!" (Youre back fanfan!) Tong exclaimed as I walked into the room. "饿了吧!来来来,快吃吧!" (You must be hungry! Come on, let's eat!) I exclaim while unboxing the plastic. I put the food onto her table and poured a glass of water for her.

I sat beside her and shoved a shit load of potatoes into my mouth. "你怎么吃成这样啊!哈哈哈哈哈,来我帮你擦擦。"(How did you eat like that! HAHHAHA, let me help you wipe your mouth.) She took a piece of tissue and wiped the corner of my mouth. Shit. I really like her. I blushed like mad and Tong just laughed.

Keran's POV

"昕昕,快吃吧,等会儿凉了不好吃了。"(Xinxin, quickly eat, it'd taste horrible if it goes cold.) I say. She sat beside me and I helped her pick out the bean sprouts that she didnt like. She's still the same. I took a few pieces of my chicken over to her side as an exchange for bean sprouts. She's trying really hard to gain weight. It's really cute when she tries and ask yuyan for food every second of the day.

Fast forward to 8p.m.

I took Yuxin out for coffee in a nearby cafe. I thought that it'd be really nice because we rarely spend time together.

Yuxin's POV

we bought coffee and went to somewhere where we could sit in the trunk of the car and watch the stars together. Just like how we'd watch the sun rise every morning before school. "柯柯,你还记得吗?我们中二的时候,每个早上都会到学校后面的游乐场看日出让后每天都会被周老师骂因为我们每次都迟到。" (Keke, do you still remember? When we were in Secondary two, every morning we would go to the playground behind the school to watch the sunrise. Then Ms Zhou would always scold us because we were always late.) I asked. "当然还记得呀。那么美好的会议为啥忘掉它呢。" (Of course I still remember it! Why would i forget such a great memory?) She answered. Tears somehow formed in my eyes, slowly rolling down. I looked at Keran and her nose was red also on the verge of crying. "哎呀,我们为什么这样啊。那么好的会议就哭了。" (Aiya, why are we like this? Such a great memory made us cry) I realised what I said made the both of us feel like crying even more.

"你看那颗星星!今晚的天空好漂亮啊。"( look at that star! Tonight's sky is really beautiful.)  I quickly changed the subject. "当然没有你那么漂亮宝贝。"(It's not as beautiful as you babe.)  my eyes widened at the comment she made. I didn't believe what she said so I asked, "柯柯。你有喜欢的人吗?" (Keke. Do you have anyone that you like?) Suddenly my palms were wet, I anticipated for an answer. "你要我打电话给她吗?"(Do you want me to call her?)  She answered. So she has one? I hesitated to nod.

A few seconds later, my phone started ringing. I looked at the contact and it was keke. "你为什么打电话给我呀?" (Why did you call me?) I asked in confusion. "因为我喜欢的人就是你。" (Because you're the one that i like.)   Keran answered. "真的假的?我的妈呀。我也有一个。我等会儿要给她买个礼物,陪我去呗。" (Really? Oh my god. I have one too. I'm going to get her a gift later. Follow me?)  I decided to play the same tricks too. We drove to a dessert shop. on the way there, Keran kept on asking me who I liked. "谁啊!就跟我说而已!" (Who is it! Just tell me!) She whined. 

"三十分钟后你就会知道。"(You'll know thirty minutes later.) I say.

We entered the cake shop and I ordered for a New York Cheesecake. They took it out and I paid for it. "柯柯,我可以驾你的车吗?你驾了好几个小时。"( Keke, can I drive now? You've been driving for a couple of hours already.)  I asked. "好吧。"(Okay.)  She threw the keys into my hands. I asked her to hold the cake properly. Since we were near the playground behind our old school, I drove there. Before we got down, I asked her to hold the cake on her hands then, I used my hands to cover her eyes. "你干嘛刘雨昕!"(What are you doing Liu Yuxin!)  She exclaimed. We reached the playground and I removed my hands from her eyes. Her eyes scanned around the venue. "这-这里不是我们上次一直再去看日出的游乐场吗?你带我来这里干吗呀?" (Is-Isn't this the playground we always went to see the sunset last time? Why'd you bring me here?) She asked. I took the cake from her and unboxed it. I held it in my hands and lit the candle up. "我想送这个蛋糕给我喜欢的人。我找到她了。我喜欢你。你吹了这个蜡烛,你就是我的了。"(I want to give this cake to the person that I like. I've finally found her. I like you. Once you blow this candle out, you will be mine and I am yours) I said while holding the cake on my hands. She blew the candle and we spent the next two three hours under the stars eating cake and enjoying life for now. 

We went back to the hospital where we saw Linfan and Tong sleeping soundly together. I took a picture of them preparing to the teasing session tomorrow and got ready for bed.

"小宝贝晚安啦。" (Good night baby.) I say. 


a/n: heyyyy sorry i didnt update for so long!!! Hope you liked this chapter. And erm, comment! I really wanna see what are your reactions whilst reading my chapters! 

Word count: 1023 words

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