10. Yes Ok!

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Tong's POV

I am half an hour early to Lisa's class and to be perfectly honest I am not ready yet. I have not memorised my dance steps. I stood outside the classroom door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and I was the first one there! Mentor Lisa was not there yet so I started to sing Yes Ok! hoping the lyrics would make me remember my dance steps. I checked my watch and I still had five more minutes, I decided to do a full run before everyone comes in. 
"Yes ok! Yes ok! Yes ok!" I sang. Soon, I finished the dance without any mistakes. "Wohoo! Well done!" I heard a voice from behind the curtains. Shit, Lisa's been here the whole time. " I am so sorry!" My entire face turns red. "No no, it's alright! You did particularly well! Are you sure you're supposed to be in F class? " She chuckled. I didn't know what else to do but to laugh. "Tong right? How are you doing?" She smiled. "I have been quite good. Except that before you came in, I wasn't really confident with myself. " I say. She nodded and then asked me to sit down.

Soon, the rest of my classmates came in. "Lisa老师好!"(Hello mentor Lisa!)  They greeted. "Okay, let's start shall we?" We took our positions and waited for our cue to start. "Yes Ok! Yes Ok! Yes Ok!" "Erm, okay. Tong and Ziyi. Please come up. I want the rest of you guys to see who danced more accurately than the other." Lisa says now in a strict tone. I walk up and started dancing. "彤彤几时跳的怎么好?" (since when did Tong dance so well?) Some people commented. "So who danced more accurately?" Lisa asks. "Tong!" GoGo shouted. Lisa nodded  and said, "Ziyi can you follow Tong."

"Yes Ok! Yes Ok! Yes Ok! 出发吧啦吧啦啦!da da da da" Lisa did a little demo for us.
"One more time"
"One more time"
"Nope, one more time"
"She keeps messing up." Lisa says while pointing to Ziyi.
"Sorry." Ziyi says.
"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to your friends. Because of your mistakes they have to dance over and over again."
Ziyi turns around and bows. "别别别,我们是一起练的" (No don't, we'll practice together.) GoGo says.
After Lisa left, Ziyi asked me to teach her. I agreed to it.

3 hours later

"好的,紫怡我们在这里结束吧。你的进步很多。加油!奥利给!"(Okay, Ziyi we'll end here. You have a great improvement Keep it up!)  I say panting. She left the classroom and I was there alone. Then Linfan walked into the room.
"凡凡!"(Fan fan!)  I say jumping into her arms.
"哎呦喂!"(Aiyo!)  Linfan exclaimed feeling the impact brought upon her.
"太想你了!" (I missed you so much!) I say.

"哈哈哈哈哈哈!有那么夸张吗?"(HHAHAHAAHA! Is it that exaggerated?) I felt her heart beat fasten.

"太想你了" (I missed you too much) I say.  

"陪我去楼上的阳台吹吹风呗。" (Accompany me to the rooftop?) I say

"是的彤彤公主。" (Alright Princess Tong.) She joked.

We took the elevator up to the rooftop and i put my hands on the railings, taking in the amazing scenery.

"林凡" (Linfan.) 

"怎么了?" (What's up?) She answered, facing me.

"我可以坦白跟你说件事儿吗?" (Can I be honest to you about something?) I hesitated.

"当然可以,你咋了?" (Of course you can. What's up with you?) She says now concerned.

"没咋。就是说嗯..."  (Nothing. It's just erm..)  I stammer 

"你是不是要拒绝我?"  (You're going to reject me right?) She says with her nose red.

"什么?" (What?) I reply confused. 

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