24. Reunion Dinner

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Keran's POV

I see the both of them hugging each other as if nothing had happened. I sat there and thought about the question Yuxin asked me a few hours ago,

"你在生彤彤的气吗?" (Are you mad at Tong?)

Actually, what am i even mad for? Yuxin had already forgiven her, why should I still be mad  at her?

I sighed and gave her a small smile when she sat down. I turn and looked at Keyin, I asked, "没事儿吧?"(you okay?)  "没事儿就是累了一点儿" (yeah, just kinda tired.) Keyin says with a forced smile. This doesn't feel like my Keyin... I told her to eat more and not worry about anything. "对啊林凡,你不是在苏州吗?" (oh right, aren't you supposed to be in Suzhou Linfan?) I asked. "我四点就到了呀,要感谢雨昕跟我说彤彤在这儿。嘿嘿。"(I arrived at 4pm, thanks yuxin telling me that Tong is here, hehe) Linfan smiles.

Keyin's POV

Tong's back now...  She's talked to Yuxin, Keke and Linfan. But how about me?.... I'm not trying to sound attention seeking but how about me? I have helped them so so much, and she doesnt even try to ask if I'm alright.

I let out a sigh, I'm just gonna eat to my heart's content. "宝贝,你脸色看起来好差哦。最近是不是又把自己累坏了呀?" (Baobei, you look tired. Have you been overworking these few days?) Tong spoke, I didn't turn my head to her as I thought she was talking to Linfan.

"谢雪!跟你说话呢!你还好吧?  " (Xiexue! I'm talking to you! Are you okay?) She spoke again but now shaking me. "哦哦!我很好呀。你呢?变成大老板为什么不跟我们说啊?" (Oh! Oh! I'm okay! how bout u? finally becoming a CEO of your own company and you didn't tell us!) My eyes lit up. "我不能回来呀。。对不起咯哈哈哈哈哈。我这次请客,吃饱一点儿哈。" (I couldn't come back. I'm sorry hahahahah. I'm treating this time, eat more yea) She replies with a smile. I nodded and laughed together with her.

In the middle of eating, Xiaotang was cracking jokes while Shuxin came up with an idea. "我们要不要举办一个Triple date啊?" (Can we plan a Triple date?) She suggested.

"Triple Date 是什么呀?人家都说是Double Date 你就说Triple Date。好玩儿吗?我可不要当一个电灯泡哦。我当够了哈哈哈哈我们青你的时候每天都要看她们俩动来动去的,让我感觉好单身哦。。" (What's a triple date? Other people have a double date and you're having a triple date?? Isit fun? I don't wanna be a third wheeler again. Ive been a full time third wheeler since Youth with you 2 everyday watching them touchy here touchy there. I feel so single.) I complained. "哈哈哈哈行行行,不去就不去嘛。咋们六个去呗。Triple date 就是三个情侣一起去约会咯。要去哪里?" (Hahahahah! okay okay don't go dont go. Just the six of us? Triple date is when three couples come together and go on a date. So where are we going?) Shuxin asks.

"去迪士尼乐园!" (Disneyland!) Linfan says excitedly. We all agreed to go to Disneyland tomorrow. "其他人要来吗?可以全部去欸。" (Does anyone else wanna come? We can all go if you guys want.) Shuxin asks while tapping on her phone. "要要要要!!" (Yesyesyes!) the rest answered in one voice.

Tongs POV

Soon, I paid for the meal and we stood outside of the restaurant talking to them. "好吧,明天十点半在门口见面!" (okay then, we'll meet at 10.30am tomorrow at the gates!) Shuxin confirmed with everyone before taking XiaoTang and waving goodbye to us as she was about to drive off. "我要回家拿点儿东西,先走了拜拜明天见。" (I have to go back and take something, i'll leave first, bye bye see y'all tomorrow!) I say cheerfully before ruffling Linfan's hair.

I then too, waved goodbye to everyone before getting into a cab and driving off to my house.Since the drive there was gonna be about an hour and a half long, I put in my earphones and decided to play some music on the way there.

Linfan's POV

i stood beside her before she messed up my hair again. I giggled and waved goodbye to her. I've always liked her ruffles, it's seriously so annoying but so cute at the same time!
What do i like about her?

The way she laughs,

The way she scrunch her nose whilst ruffling my hair,

The way she makes horrible puns,

The way she acts so cutely when she wants something,

Everything about her, even her flaws, has caught my heart.

She could hurt me however way, leave me again, but i would always
choose her over anyone, anyday.

"林凡!" (Linfan!) Yuxin shook me out of my thoughts.
"发什么呆啊!" (What are you daydreaming about!) Keke added
"啊!"(Ah!) I squealed.
"我们先走了哈,车来了。慢走哦,拜拜!" (We'll go first, our car is here. Bye bye!) Yuxin announces and I gave her a nod of acknowledgment. I stood in the cold, waiting for my cab. I checked the tracker of the car, oh great, it's right around the corner. "B 11072C" I looked out for that car plate number. I saw a blue cab driving towards me and i read its car plate, it matches my taxi that i called for.

Tong's POV

After a long time, I finally reached home. I put everything down and started looking for my polaroid camera and a bag. Atlas, i finally found it. I took everything and packed it into my bag to bring out tomorrow.
Phew i'm exhausted, i guess i'll just sleep here tonight. I set my alarm for 8am and went to bed.
heyyyyyyyy yas this book is ending in 5-10 more chapters? So yeaaaaa GET EXCITED BABES SORRY FOR THE WAITTTTTTTTT.
word count: 1088 words

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