4. What's wrong?

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!TW! eating disorder!!!DO NOT READ IF UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!!!

Yuxin's POV

We entered the cafeteria and damn it smelled good. We found a table, "你们去吧,我不吃。" (Yall can go first, im not eating.) Tong says while sitting down on the bench. "哎呀,一顿饭不会肥的啦。" (aiya, one meal wouldn't make you fat.) Keyin says. "那好吧。" (okay i guess. ) Tong answered. she seems to be regretting her decision. I won't think too much about it but i'd be lying if i said i wasn't worried about her.

Tong's POV

God, why did i have to eat so much! After i finished my food I ate some pills that would make the process easier. I ran into the bathroom and stuck two fingers into my mouth making myself puke. I freshened up and ran to the practice room. I'm still not getting the moves right! Son of a bitch!

"let's go!" Keyin says as she ushered us to the waiting area.

We got into a bus on the way to the performance area. I sat down on the chair where a stylist was. "你还好吧?怎么看起来那么苍白?" (are you okay? Why do you look so pale?) The stylist asked. I nodded and well looked in the mirror. What a ugly ass. I thought to myself.

"吃吃吃!每天都知道吃!下次没人想要和你在一起!女孩子应该是瘦的!你看你自己!肥到那么离谱!像不像一个女孩儿啊!" (Eat!Eat!Eat! All you know is eat! Next time no one wants to be with you! Look at yourself! You're so fat! You don't even look like a lady!) The words of my mother comes floating back into my mind. I've worked so hard just to keep those few sentences out of my mind, and suddenly they're back again! Fuck!

"破風的训练生们,准备好了吗?" (the eve's trainees, are you guys ready?) Kun asked

"准备好了" (Yes!) Everyone shouted

"来吧" (Come'on.) Kun says.

We showed him our performance and damn that shit was tiring. He said we didn't have any flaws! Finally! We got the next half of the day free so I asked them what they were gonna do.

"我想睡觉。" (I wanna sleep) Keran answered while yawning.

"我需要出去一趟。"(I need to go out for a while) I say bluntly.

We parted ways and I went to a near by gym.

Keran's POV

I wonder if she's okay. I walked into the bathroom and saw a bottle of pills. I read the description.


Name of paitent: Tong

Uses: Vomiting.

Keep out of reach of children!

Maximum 1 pill per day

Total pills: 10

I took all of them out an counted them. This was a new bottle but there was only... 6 pills left. Oh my god. "刘雨昕!谢可寅!过来!" (Liu yuxin! Xie keyin! Come here! ) I shout from the bathroom.

"怎么啦!" ( What happened!) Yuxin ran into the bathroom.

"自己看。" (see for yourself.) I sighed.

"新开的,只剩6个。怎么办。" (newly opened. Only 6 of them left. What do we do?) Keyin asked shakingly 

"现在我们分开只有五分钟,她应该没有跑那么远。走吧!" (Since we parted ways, it's only been 5 minutes she shouldn't have ran very far. Let's go!) Yuxin checked her watch.

We grabbed our things and fled to the outside of our YWY building. We ran out and spotted her in the gym opposite us. I grabbed both the girl's hands and guided them to the gym. As the oldest among all of them, I knew I had to protect every single one of them. This makes me feel old but their safety right now is the priority. We reached the gym and we saw Tong who looked as if she were going to faint.

"你们是在找人吗?" (are you looking for someone?) The receptionist asked.

"是的。可以进去吗?拜托,我的朋友有危险。" (Yes. Can we go inside? Please, our friend is in danger) I rushed.

The lady nodded her head and i ran inside. As she was about to fall, I caught her. My god. Why does she do this to herself. I didn't care about anything else and carried her into our dorm.

Tong's POV

10 minutes ago..

I entered the gym and registered my name to get in. I didn't care about warm-ups now, all i cared about was to lose the fat since I was gonna wear something that would reveal my stomach tomorrow. I started running, then when I got down, I started seeing stars. Ah fuck, I stood up to get a bottle of water at the front desk but little did i know, the next second my world had gone black.

Yuxin's POV

Why'd she do this to herself? I don't get it! Ever since her mother passed, she'd been fine. What the hell happened. I sit there with her beside me, playing with her hair as I think to myself.
"妈妈。我错了!不要!"(Mum, I was wrong! No!) She screams as she tossed and turned in her sleep.
"柯燃!" (Keran!) I shouted. She came running and brought Tong to her chest and she stroked her hair. Her breathing finally slowed down, 'mum i was wrong?'  why'd that sound so familiar? Oh god. It's her mum's lines. She didn't just do that because they came back did she? Motherfucker.
"她上次有经历过什么东西吗?"(Did she experience anything?) Keran asked with worrisome in her tone.

"好像有,她的妈妈是之前说过很多的狠话,让她觉得自己不够好......就一年多在学校饿肚子。回去饿的时候她妈妈不给她吃因为她'胖'"(She did. Before her mother passed, her mother had said many horrible things to her to make her feel that she wasn't enough. There was a year where she starved herself in school, and once she got back she was not allowed to eat because in her mother's eyes, she's 'fat')  I explain. She gone through quite a bit, but she's been strong throughout the whole thing. 

I felt my eyelids getting heavier and heavier then I felt someone put my head somewhere. 

Keran's POV

After listening to Yuxin's explanation, I finally understood what this poor girl was going through. I sighed and looked out the window. I felt a head plop on my shoulder. I turned around and saw that it was yuxin. I gently moved her head onto my lap and dozed off.


A/n: hiii when my schedule gets better I'll be sure to write more. anyways hope you have enjoyed this. 

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